living a healthy lifestyle is hard for many families it is riddled with both struggles and successes here at family health solutions we make it easy for families to live a healthy life by breaking down common health concerns believe systems and obstacles that are affecting so many families each week you will learn simple to follow solutions based on five essentials of healthy living and now here is your host Dr Tim Smith of new life chiropractic this is your host Dr Tim Smith here on family health solutions where every week we're talking about natural health solutions for the entire family and helping you change the way you view and manage your health for better health outcomes today I want to talk about one of the biggest stresses in your life something I like to call degenerative desk disease you look at firefighters lumberjacks data entry specialists what do they all have in common well if you ask any of them you're going to see things like chronic fatigue headaches back pain soreness when you look at the lists one of those jobs may not seem to mesh the tasks of a data entry specialist for example or any other deaths worker may not require the brine or physical activity of a lumberjack or the high levels of stress in toxicity of a firefighter but they listed the same physiological response the difference is that the injuries experienced by the average desk worker develop silently over time like a slow drip of a water leak while the lumberjack made throughout his back chopping down an oak tree or the firefighter may collapse from adrenal fatigue after twenty four hour shift putting out a huge force fire the desk worker simply shift to one side hunches forward and doesn't move for eight hours and according to a recent article in The Washington Post the average office worker sits for about ten hours each day of that time they were made almost completely still for more than four out of every five hours so those forty plus hours of sanitary stillness doesn't even represent the countless hours watching TV playing video games traveling sleeping what is ideally browsing the internet on some type of a device most of us have our backsides glued to a seat and the FX according to the research are no joke this extended downtime leads to a disconcerting wealth of negative health outcomes including things like chronic aches and pains high levels of inflammation I cumulated fat especially around the organs in the mid section which is the dangerous visceral fat hardening of the arteries insulin resistance and nerve damage caused by subluxation half of those factors can be lethal causing things known as metabolic syndrome which serves the precursor for a number of notorious conditions like type two diabetes heart disease stroke we already have one in four Americans suffering from some type of metabolic syndrome and as you look into this further turns out the lack of exercise away from the workplace is not the only culprit it's the cumulative effect of physical inactivity sedentary lifestyle throughout our lives that is most damaging so to prevent this damage and fight back against these conditions we must choose to move regardless of what you do for a living regardless of your lifestyle and demand safer more functional economic workstations according to the British journal of sports medicine Americans should begin to stand move and take breaks for at least two out of every eight hours at work really I suggest people get up a movie even more than that you shouldn't be sedentary for more than twenty or thirty minutes at a time standing up for a quick stretcher walk can really make a huge difference in the amount of physical stress that your body is under your body is amazing and the body's natural framework allows each tissue organ system to function properly but when this framework the structure of your spine breaks down the body struggles to function and as a result pain illness and disease are able to develop because the body loses its ability to adapt to the stresses in the environment and the more prolonged in activity you have the more brain and nervous system generation you're gonna get now if you listen to our show or know anything about what we do were doctors of the nervous system because the nervous system controls all function health and healing throughout the body so when you actually have subluxation a nerve interference a nerve damage search to affect every function in your body because your nervous system is like a logical wiring system the way you treat your joints in tissues a fax the structure and function of the spine and how it controls the communication of the brain the nervous system you look at most work related injuries about twenty five percent of them involve muscles ligaments tendons and joints some of the most common issues are team J. or the job issues spinal disc problems in the neck and lower back strain induced headaches carpal tunnel syndrome and other neurological vascular problems these can all be addressed and prevented in many cases by implementing proper ergonomics set ups by having a workstation with good posture by getting up and moving on a regular basis incorporating I sit to stand type of the desk because your body is able to maintain optimum nerve supply blood flow and function in this corrective posture so by making a conscious effort to focus on maintaining movement throughout the day maybe incorporating a sitting stability ball or a wobble cushion or a more ergonomics chair or a balance disc at your workstation you can lessen the negative effects of primary sedentary work place you make it a point to move exercise every single day you can keep oxygen flowing to your cells organs and tissues the way it needs to be using the amount of time you spend on screen cell phones tablets computers T. V.'s to the minimum amount that you have to do and more time getting outside involving activities moving challenging your brain and your body the healthier you're gonna be the health of your spine is gonna be the better your brain and nervous system is going to be able to adapt to stress and the better energy in quality of life you're going to have some good things to look for at your desk top five warning signs of a damaging work position number one you have a pill bottle by your desk you dive into daily just to get to the aches and pains that you're experiencing on a regular basis number two if you notice by in midair by launcher already exhausted ready to take a nap or ready for that next Cup of coffee or staring at the clock ready to go home number three you costly notice yourself slouching forward more more as the day goes on number four you feel tight intense like you always need a massage every single day because your muscles are so overworked and number five you feel achy after a long day at the office and you feel drained even though you didn't do any physical work at all if you notice even one of these warning signs you need to have your spot in every system check right away you need to have your workstation evaluated you know that you need to start moving and being more intentional with your health because you're already going in the wrong direction you're already creating structural neurological the generation of your spine brain and nervous system you're likely developing disease under the surface that you may not see or feel right now that's going to create lifelong problems if you don't start doing something differently and if you are experiencing symptoms listen to your body make sure that you're getting your spine shocked immediately by qualified corrective care car proctor who takes xrays who does a significant physical and neurological evaluation who does some form of corrective care with the goal is to restore structure function and balance within the brain and nervous system and if you're experiencing anything like headaches migraines neck pain numbness tingling into the hands arms feet legs chronic fatigue low back pain sciatica these are all signs that your posture your spine your nervous system are already in trouble that's why an X. ray is so important find out what is actually going on the inside the county's problems hopefully early enough to be able to correct them and prevent future issues and look around at people in their posture postures like a window into your spine it affects everything from breeding to hormone production and if you see that's often somebody else mentioned the same thing to them checking on there ergonomics checking on their structural support and mention to them the importance of making a difference and change this is the kind of thing that we do every single day with our patients is we help them improve the structural neurological function of their body so the body can adapt better to the emotional physical and chemical stresses in their life which prevents pain dysfunction and disease that's all part of changing the way that you view and manage your health on a more preventative proactive basis making changes to reduce and eliminate stress in changing higher body adapts to that stress naturally so your body can actually heal itself of these issues without drugs without surgeries without doctor visits and dangerous medical interventions because that stuff doesn't work if you have a problem and you're covering up that symptom with uphill potion or lotion or you're just ignoring with that are dealing with it your health is paying the price and I want to make sure that doesn't happen to any one of you that's exactly the reason why we do the show so if you're looking to make some changes in your health today is a great day to start even just making one change to improve your posture reduce stress on your body will make a huge difference you want to learn more about what we're doing and how we're helping people you can visit us online at if you're out of the area if you want to share this with somebody else and you're looking for a corrective care car proctor somebody that's doing the kind of work that we are good at Max living dot com and they can find a qualified health and wellness chiropractor in their area that can make a difference to help them get started in the right direction thanks for joining us today make sure tune in every Tuesday for the next episode of family health solutions change in the way that you view and manage your health for better outcomes so you heard that you have heard the steps to success and there is still so much to come in much more to learn head on over to to sign up for our weekly newsletter and learn about something life changing workshops in the office be sure to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your friends and family so you all can join us each week on family health solutions with Dr Tim Smith your maximize living doctor

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