Hello, Family Brand community! Today, we are thrilled to share with you our conversation with Jill Lane, the founder of Fueling Champions. As a mother of three student-athletes and a seasoned professional in performance nutrition and exercise physiology, Jill's expertise and personal journey offer invaluable lessons for all of us, especially those navigating the world of competitive sports with our children!

Jill's story is one of passion and dedication. With over two decades of experience consulting top athletes in the NFL, NBA, and MLB, as well as Olympic hopefuls, she brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. But it's her personal journey, from being a high school All-American and semi-pro athlete to a mom of athletic kids, that truly inspired us.

In our conversation with Jill we dive into the critical aspect of nutrition in young athletes' lives. It's not just about what they eat, but how they fuel their bodies for both sports and life. Jill highlighted the importance of energy availability and the concept of REDS, offering a fresh perspective on how nutrition impacts not only physical but also cognitive and emotional health!

One of the most touching moments of the episode was when Jill shared the concept of 'championing' our children. This goes beyond nutrition; it's about empowering them to reach their full potential while maintaining a balance that nurtures their overall growth. (In or outside of sports!) 

Don't miss out on this inspiring conversation with Jill Lane. Hit play to join us and explore how her insights can impact your family’s journey in sports and beyond! In the Family Brand community, we are committed to nurturing the potential and championing each family member! If you are interested in building your own “Family Brand” follow the links below! 





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Links From This Episode: 

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/teamfuelingchampions/ 

Free Performance Nutrition Starter Kit for student for Student Athletes and their Families: https://www.jilllane.com 

Episode Minute By Minute:

00:00 Introduction with Special Guest, Jill Lane 

01:04 Introducing Jill Lane and Her Work

01:38 The Relevance of Jill's Work to the Hosts

04:39 Jill's Personal Journey as a Student Athlete

05:06 The Birth of Fueling Champions

07:29 The Importance of Knowing Your Goals

09:26 The Role of Parents in Supporting Their Kids

11:05 The Importance of Teaching Kids Responsibility

13:56 The Challenge of Seeing Untapped Potential

16:12 The Role of Championing in Parenting

26:52 The Importance of Championing Others

27:30 The Power of Championing in Personal Growth

28:04 The Role of Parents in Championing Their Children

28:54 Teaching Kids to Ask for Help

30:40 Understanding the Concept of Reds in Sports

33:26 The Impact of Reds on Student Athletes

37:31 The Importance of Proper Fueling for Athletes

40:12 The Role of Food in Performance and Health

45:42 The Power of Noticing How You Feel

47:03 The Impact of Championing on Future Generations



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