“And what they really need is a lot of hand holding and a lot of encouragement to say: ‘Well, let's start out!’ ” –Debbie Briem


So you got your loved one to treatment and it was successful. What now? Our guest, Debbie Briem will walk you through the halls of post discharge and help you to get pass through your dilemmas. Debbie is a licensed Marriage and Family therapist and is currently with Milestones Ranch Malibu as a Clinical Director. Her 20 years of experience says a lot about how she can help families explore out some of the precursors before treatment.


After the discharge, the family is pushed to a tight corner and they go into a cycle of worrying. They become too conscious of their actions to avoid disrupting the new pattern of recovery, which in turn, makes the patient uneasy and hurt. This causes an awkward atmosphere within the family circle which is definitely not healthy for everybody.  So for starters, find out what miracle question can you ask to change the way you do things. Also, make a list of the do’s and don’ts  of post discharge and learn how families can write their own discharge plan. It is good to note that a planned action is better than an unplanned regression.


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02:38 Lovin’ the California Sun

06:25 The Miracle Question

08:46 The Precursors of Treatment

17:16 Integrating The Do’s and Don’ts in the Process

20:58 The Cycle of Worrying