“I’m not broken. I’m okay as I am.” –Jo Huey


Everyone refers to their environment before doing anything because, aware or not, we always seek the approval of others. We are all born with the need and want of belongingness. But if we constantly receive this false message, we forget who we are along the way by trying to be someone acceptable to anybody else but ourselves. Our guest, Joanne Huey has a story to tell that will change your outlook and create a different impression of self-worth. She experienced addiction in her own family which molded her opinion for many years. But after this amazing realization, she finally met with her true self, never to let go again. This transformation led her to be a Personal Change Expert, Neuro-linguistic Programming Practitioner and Inspirational Speaker.


The change in the family is often attributed to the addicted member who successfully walked the path to sobriety. But today’s story is about a daughter, a sister, a partner who was adversely affected not only by the addicted member but also the sober parent but was able to create that change in the family everyone is dreaming about. Join in her journey as she travels back to the past and share what false message about her was constantly sent by her alcoholic father, how this message was reinforced by the sober parent, how this message shaped her as she entered adulthood, and how this message was proven false to its power. Also, discover what the Drama Triangle is about and how to reopen the family’s connectivity. As much as we want to be somebody else to be accepted in the society that we live in, we must never forget that we are valuable and lovable in our own way. We can never be somebody else but we can be a better version of ourselves.


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03:44 Jo’s Story

16:28 How the Sober Parent Reinforces False Message

22:21 The Drama Triangle

29:04 Coping with Feelings of Insufficiency the Wrong Way

34:36 Shifting the Dynamic Through the Inner Voice