Welcome back to Marketing Automation Made Simple. In this episode, Milena and Jovana dive into the essential updates and trends for marketing automation in 2024.

Major Update Alert: Email service providers like Yahoo and Google are requiring updates to domain protocols, specifically DKIM (Domain Keys Identified Mail) and DMARC (Domain-Based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance).

Action Required: Update your domain settings to ensure emails land in inboxes and not spam folders, protecting your domain reputation.

Review and Refresh: It's crucial to revisit how leads are nurtured. Consider the actions they take or don't take before purchasing your products or services.

Test Your Purchasing Process: Experience your store as a customer would. Ensure your nurturing emails and reminders are functioning as expected.

Regular Check-ups: Go through your automations, like abandoned cart sequences and welcome series, to ensure they're up-to-date and are delivering!

Content Authenticity: With AI-generated content on the rise, it's important to humanize your content to stand out.

Authenticity is Key: Google's new algorithm prioritizes authentic content, so focus on humanizing your brand across all channels.

AI Integration: Embrace AI tools like conversational forms and chatbots to enhance customer service and streamline processes.

Voice and Mind Control: Future tech may include voice instructions and even neural links for business operations.

As we navigate the fast-paced changes in technology, it's important to stay informed and adapt to new tools and trends.

Remember to update your email settings, review customer journeys, check automations, and stay authentic in your marketing efforts.

Let's make 2024 a year of growth and innovation in marketing automation!