Do you want to know how to grow your business on Tik Tok?

Or one of the 'old school' platforms like Facebook? :p

Businesses, large and small who are seeking to carve out their market share in the revolutionary age of social media have a powerful ally - Kylie Bartlett.

The self-driven businesswoman, international public speaker and author of Facebook Friends with Benefits, thrives on sharing her unique take on social media and the strategies required to succeed in the new economy.

Kylie Bartlett is better known these days as the 'Web Celeb', helping start-ups, small businesses and corporates to become 'web famous' in their industry. Kylie has trained, coached and inspired more than 1,000 businesses globally on how to become socially savvy on the web.

She is no stranger to traditional media attention either. She has appeared on numerous Australian television and radio broadcasts including, 'The Today Show, 9AM Show, 3MP, 2UB', appeared in many Australian newspapers and magazine publications including ''The Sunday Herald Sun, Dynamic Business Magazine, Australian Banking and Finance Magazine,' to name a few.

She is the Founder of Digital Talent Group

For the past 14 years, Kylie has built a successful thought leadership brand as a published author, social media strategist and international keynote speaker (even hosting her own TV Shows: SME TV and most recently Digi Style TV) on how to become "socially savvy" and the same question from her audiences and clients constantly came up....

"Kylie, now you've helped us map out our social media plan, how do we go about implementing it? We don't have the time, skills or resources internally, to do this ourselves. Don't you have any "mini me's" we could hire to do it for us?"

And in 2019, that's when Digital Talent Group was born!

Enjoy the show!

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