Nathaniel Carroll is an endurance athlete, 2x Ironman finisher and 46 year old father of 3.

Not only has he completed over 4000 push ups during a marathon, he set the world record for doing over 1.5 MILLION (1,506,911) pushups, which is a world record, in 365 days.

To achieve this, Nate averaged 4,128 push ups per day for a full year!

Nathaniel believes that achieving this record taught him how to overcome any obstacle, to heal as a victim of domestic violence, and to live his life as a role model for his children.

On this episode of Fall in love with Fitness, Nathaniel shares with me his story of domestic abuse, his journey in setting the world record for most pushups and how, through committing to his goal, he found his way back to who he was always meant to be.