Are you tired of chronic back pain affecting your daily life and limiting your mobility? If so, you're not alone. Back pain is a common ailment that millions of people around the world endure on a daily basis. Traditional treatment options often provide only temporary relief or come with unwanted side effects.

Meet Erik Scott, a systems engineer specializing in the design of supercomputers to solve challenging global problems. In his personal journey, Erik faced significant chronic back pain due to his active lifestyle and rigorous physical activities. He turned to stem cell therapy as an innovative mode of recovery, achieving remarkable rehabilitation results.

In this episode, together with Erik, we will delve into the benefits of stem cell treatment for overcoming chronic back pain and how it can offer a glimmer of hope for those suffering from this debilitating condition.

To gain a deeper understanding, be sure to listen to the full episode. Tune in for more episodes that shed light on unconventional healing methods and stories of resilience in the face of adversity.

"Focus on the daily discipline." - Erik Scott

Topics Covered:

00:03 - Introduction to the conversation on chronic back pain and stem cell recovery

01:15 - Erik shares his background and how he came across stem cell therapy

06:38 - Discussion on the progression of Erik's chronic back pain over the years

08:37 - Differentiating between real pain and fake pain

10:49 - Importance of working with a doctor who understands sports and fitness

12:25 - Challenges in finding medical professionals with a fitness background

13:00 - Importance of seeking advice from professionals focused on specific areas (e.g., nutrition, training)

13:27 - Discouragement from medical advice to stop exercising

15:18 - Decision to seek alternative treatment and bravery to try something new

18:07 - Researching stem cell therapy and finding a clinic in Medellin, Colombia

20:39 - Overcoming doubt and hesitation to pursue stem cell therapy

25:08 - Results of MRI showing improvement in herniated discs and canal stenosis

25:56 - Ongoing recovery and inflammation

26:29 - Erik Scott discusses his experience with stem cell recovery for his back

28:40 - Sherry Shaban shares her goal of training to be strong and independent

31:07 - Erik Scott talks about launching "Energized Dad" to help others improve their health

32:28 - Erik Scott shares his Instagram handle for connecting and chatting with him

Key Takeaways: 

Positive impact of receiving different advice for back pain

Recovery process and success of stem cell treatment

Importance of training for longevity

Importance of muscle power for health

Connect with Erik Scott:


Connect with Sherry Shaban:







If you’re struggling with self-sabotaging behavior and other non-serving habits that have been keeping you from hitting your health goals, I'd like to invite you to join me in Transformation in Paradise: Metamorphosis Greece this October 12–19, 2024, in Lefkada.

Visit for more details. If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, email me at [email protected] and let's get in touch to go over all the details and answer your questions to determine if this retreat is the right fit for you.

Keep it up, Athletes!
