Are you seeking a way to find balance and clarity in your busy life? And ready to take your personal growth journey to the next level? Our minds are constantly bombarded with information, distractions, and stressors, leading to a state of chaos often referred to as the "monkey mind." 

In this episode, Ann Swanson an expert in meditation and mindfulness practices, will dive us into the transformative world of meditation. Whether you're an avid practitioner or a newcomer to the practice, this conversation will enlighten, encourage, and empower you toward cultivating a more mindful and present way of life. With her calming energy and a deep well of knowledge, Anne will share with us her journey of how movement practices like yoga and Tai Chi became the gateway to her meditation practice.

Throughout the episode, we also delve into the common misconceptions about meditation, such as the notion of achieving a 'blank mind', and replace them with actionable wisdom on how to truly engage with the practice. Anne also provides invaluable insight into the neurological benefits of meditation, emphasizing its capacity to improve focus and presence in our daily lives. With an approach that is both practical and attuned to modern challenges, Anne's guidance is tailored for real-world practice.

Want to find your inner calm and embrace the power of meditation? Join us as we uncover the secrets to cultivating a peaceful mind and living a more present, fulfilling life!

“Practice makes you present” - Ann Swanson

Topics Covered:

00:02 - Introduction and discussion about meditation

01:07 - Anne's personal journey with meditation

05:32 - Meditation as a complement to movement practices

07:41 - Befriending the monkey mind and body awareness

08:49 - Integrating meditation into daily life

11:19 - Practice makes you present and improves focus

12:22 - Watching thoughts and shifting their impact

12:58 - Sherry shares how meditation has transformed her life by creating space for response instead of reaction

15:32 - Anne guides a compassion meditation for dealing with frustration and anger

19:12 - Sherry reflects on the power of sending good wishes to those who frustrate us

22:43 - Anne compares meditation to exercising and emphasizes the importance of practicing even on challenging days

25:59 - Secular and spiritual aspects of meditation, benefits of mindfulness

26:41 - Meditation can be adapted to fit religious practices

27:23 - Meditation as a time to listen after prayer

27:53 - Meditation can be spiritual and adapted to personal beliefs

29:03 - Meditation as a way to shift the nervous system and find inner peace

29:45 - Meditation as a reset button or knob for the nervous system

30:31 - Introduction to Anne's book and free audio-guided meditations

31:14 - Try meditation for 30 days to experience the benefits

31:49 - Conclusion and gratitude for the conversation

Key Takeaways:

Purpose of meditation and its benefits

Process of meditation and observing thoughts

Importance of starting small and finding moments for meditation

How meditation can help us learn to respond to things instead of reacting

Connect with Ann Swanson:

Free audio-guided meditations

Order Meditation for the Real World and free science-backed guided meditations




Connect with Sherry Shaban:







If you’re struggling with self-sabotaging behavior and other non-serving habits that have been keeping you from hitting your health goals, I'd like to invite you to join me in Transformation in Paradise: Metamorphosis Greece this October 12–19, 2024, in Lefkada.

Visit for more details. If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, email me at [email protected] and let's get in touch to go over all the details and answer your questions to determine if this retreat is the right fit for you.

Keep it up, Athletes!
