In this minisode, Sherry Shaban became a guest on The Plant Trainers Podcast with hosts Shoshana and Adams. Sherry delves into the complexities of unwanted eating behaviors and how to overcome them through intuitive eating and nervous system regulation. She then introduces the concept of anti-diet culture and examines how intuitive eating can help break the cycle of dieting and self-sabotage.

Throughout the minisode, Sherry shares personal anecdotes and professional insights on listening to your body's needs without succumbing to the societal pressures of dieting. She addresses the emotional roots of cravings and binge eating, explaining how they often stem from childhood experiences and survival instincts. By focusing on gut health, food variety, and non-judgmental self-awareness, Sheri provides actionable steps to achieve food freedom. The conversation offers valuable advice for anyone struggling with emotional or mindless eating, stressing the importance of shifting from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance and intuition.

If you're ready to break free from emotional eating, Sherry offers a free discovery call to explore how her program, Make Peace with Food, can help you find freedom in six months or less. See the booking link below!

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