Are you struggling with chronic pain and looking for a natural approach to it?

Chronic pain is a common issue that affects millions of people and managing it can be a challenging and frustrating experience. Many people turn to surgery or medication as a solution, but there are actually many alternative treatments and strategies that can help alleviate pain without the need for invasive procedures or potentially harmful drugs.

In this episode of Fall In Love With Fitness, Dr. Jason Won, a board-certified orthopedic clinical specialist, shares his journey of overcoming obesity and chronic pain to become a fitness expert and physical therapist. He emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to managing chronic pain, including strength training, mobility, and nutrition. Dr. Won's goal is to empower his clients to make sustainable lifestyle changes and develop healthy habits. He also discusses the impact of trauma on our beliefs and self-doubt, and how rewiring our brains can lead to a more fulfilling life. 

This episode is perfect for you if you want to learn professional valuable insights and practical tips to overcome chronic pain holistically!

“You can actually rewire your brain to have a more fulfilling life, to be more grateful for your situation." - Dr. Jason Won

Topics Covered:

00:03 - Sherry Shaban introduces Dr. Jason Won and the topic of managing chronic pain without surgery or medication.

02:07 - Dr. Jason shares his story of overcoming obesity and his passion for fitness and helping others.

07:02 - Dr. Jason emphasizes the need for taking action and prioritizing health to overcome chronic pain.

09:51 - Dr. Jason explains his holistic approach to helping people with chronic pain, focusing on mobility, exercise, and nutrition.

11:08 - The biopsychosocial approach considers the whole person, including emotional factors.

12:34 - Focus on recovery as a habits and empower clients to be the best versions of themselves.

18:02 - Nutrition can support pain control, focusing on whole foods and caloric deficit.

20:03 - Addressing pro-inflammatory foods like vegetable oils and sugar.

22:30 - Challenging the idea of rest for pain relief and the psychological component of pain.

23:18 - Taking a person-first approach to incorporating movement and nutrition.

26:07 - Progressing towards sustainable habits and making meal prepping and strength training a part of daily life.

30:55 - Sherry Shaban asks Dr. Jason Won about any lingering effects of childhood bullying on his relationship with food and his body.

32:09 - Dr. Jason Won opens up about self-doubt and the fear of not being good enough.

33:10 - Dr. Jason Won emphasizes the power of neuroplasticity and the ability to rewire the brain for a more fulfilling life.

34:27 - Dr. Jason Won discusses the balance between self-doubt and using it as motivation for success.

37:02 - Dr. Jason Won encourages taking small action steps to overcome self-limiting beliefs and embrace one's worthiness.

38:06 - Dr. Jason Won expresses gratitude and appreciation for the conversation.

Key Takeaways:

Impact of nutrition on lean body mass and overall health.
The power of a practitioner's own experiences with adversity to foster empathy and effective pain management.
Importance of movement for pain management and overall well-being.
How trauma can change the brain and the importance of addressing it for personal growth.
Importance of therapeutic alliance and belief in the effectiveness of the plan.

Connect with Dr. Jason Won:






Connect with Sherry Shaban:







If you’re struggling with self-sabotaging behavior and other non-serving habits that have been keeping you from hitting your health goals, I'd like to invite you to join me in Transformation in Paradise: Metamorphosis Greece this October 12–19, 2024, in Lefkada.

Visit for more details. If this sounds like something you’d like to learn more about, email me at [email protected] and let's get in touch to go over all the details and answer your questions to determine if this retreat is the right fit for you.

Keep it up, Athletes!
