Do you never feel rested no matter how much you sleep? Do you need that cup of coffee in the morning in order to have your daily poop? Or are you maybe experiencing sexual dysfunction?

You may not realize it, but these are all signs and symptoms of a slow metabolism.

Our bodies are living breathing machines. And like any working machine, our bodies require a fuel source in order to function and thrive.

However, not all fuel sources are made the same. If our bodies aren’t functioning as optimally as possible, if we are constantly tired or sore, or we can never focus on anything, chances are our metabolism has been compromised.

I can tell you from experience that most of the time, it all begins with the fuel (food) we choose to put in our bodies.

In this episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness podcast, I discuss what to look for if you suspect your metabolism is not functioning at peak performance, how the food we eat can lead to pain and inflammation all over the body, and how you can begin to slowly change your habits to live a better, healthier, and happier life.