Segev Perets was on and off diets from an extremely young age. He lost weight, gained it back, then lost it again in a never ending cycle.

Flash forward a few years, Segev was 36 years old, 330lbs, he had digestive issues, skin issues, teeth issues, and he was constantly bloated and uncomfortable.

He knew he needed to make a change and be the man, role model, and father that he was always meant to be.

Since then, Segev has lost over 150lbs, lives his life fully expressed, and believes that he is in a constant state of growth and transformation.

Today, Segev is a Performance, Relationship, Health & Transformation Coaching Specialist and founder of The Way of Fierce Love. He is on a mission to help men clarify their vision, live their purpose and become the man they know they're meant to be.

In this episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness podcast, Segev and I discuss what caused him to start living a life of health and wellness, how he shifted his identity and began living his life fully expressed, and why the difficulties of creating change doesn’t just come from within, but also from our surroundings.