Why should you take cooking tips or health advice from a snarky grandma who doesn’t own a restaurant, isn’t a reality TV star, doesn’t have a medical degree, and doesn’t particularly like to cook?

Because she’s a badass who lives her life to the fullest regardless of age, reversed her type 2 diabetes, and authored the book Brownies for Breakfast: A Cookbook for Diabetics and the People Who Love Them.

Lynne Bowman believes that there is enormous power in resetting your relationship with food and taking control of your health, strength, mindset, and mood.

She is living proof that you can cook, eat, sleep and walk your way out of type 2 diabetes, along with other chronic ailments - which is exactly what her book helps people do.

In this week's episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness Podcast, Lynne and I discuss how food and chronic illnesses are related, the issues surrounding modern-day kitchen table culture, and the most effective anti-aging technique around.