Since the first detection of fall armyworm in Australia researchers and agronomists have been quick to come together and establish field trials and laboratory experiments to help understand its likely impact on crops and production systems in the top end. NT’s Department of Primary Industry and Resources Senior Principal Entomologist, Brian Thistleton, and Senior Entomologist, Praise Justo-Tadle, give us an insight into what they are recording in some of their field trials and lab experiments on fall armyworm and what growers should be looking out for in the lead up to the wet season. Special Guests: Brian Thistleton and Praise Justo-Tadle.

Since the first detection of fall armyworm in Australia researchers and agronomists have been quick to come together and establish field trials and laboratory experiments to help understand its likely impact on crops and production systems in the top end. NT’s Department of Primary Industry and Resources Senior Principal Entomologist, Brian Thistleton, and Senior Entomologist, Praise Justo-Tadle, give us an insight into what they are recording in some of their field trials and lab experiments on fall armyworm and what growers should be looking out for in the lead up to the wet season.

Special Guests: Brian Thistleton and Praise Justo-Tadle.