Faith Presbyterian Church PCA (Clinton, LA) artwork

Faith Presbyterian Church PCA (Clinton, LA)

535 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 18 hours ago - ★★★★★ - 3 ratings

Sermons, Sunday school, and Bible studies from Faith Presbyterian Church in Clinton, LA. We hope you can join us in person, but feel free to follow along or catch up on anything you may have missed here!

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Follow YOUR Leader-Kelly Dotson

May 29, 2016 04:00 - 27 minutes - 12.7 MB

Mark 1:21-39; Many people "respect" or "like" Jesus because he was a great man, an example to follow or a great teacher. But the gospel writer Mark wants to convince us that our small view of Jesus is not enough. Mark wants for us to be absolutely convinced that Jesus is "YOUR" Lord and "YOUR" king. As Mark begins to convince us of Jesus' Authority he show us his Ordinary Practice, his Extraordinary Power and his Driving Purpose.

The Gospel of the Kingdom-Kelly Dotson

May 22, 2016 04:00 - 23 minutes - 11 MB

Mark 1:14-20; Jesus begins his violent invasion by doing two very unlikely things. First, he preaches the good news of God's Kingdom. He commands us to repent and believe the gospel. And next he goes and calls some regular guys to be citizens of his kingdom. We are called to leave behind our vocations, our families and our little kingdoms for his vocation, his family and his kingdom.

Family Matters-Kelly Dotson

May 08, 2016 04:00 - 29 minutes - 13.8 MB

Mark 3:20-21; 31-35 Jesus' Mother and Family decide that they are going to stop Jesus from endangering himself. He's gotten too busy and too dangerous for his own good. Now, if they are successful that would mean that the plan of God would not be carried out and there would be no salvation for anyone, even Jesus' own mother. We fail all the time, but God's grace for his people is enough to cover over their sins and welcome them into his family.

Jesus in Exile-Kelly Dotson

May 01, 2016 04:00 - 30 minutes - 13.9 MB

Mark 1:9-13: Jesus is called "the beloved Son" by the Father. The Holy Spirit rushes on him in violence. We would expect for Jesus to be ushered in to his glorious kingdom...but he's not. He is exiled. Sent far away from the land of the living where he is tormented and tempted for 40 days. We learn something about the pattern of Christ's ministry, that is is one of substituionary suffering. He is cast off so we can be accepted.

Begin With the Gospel-Kelly Dotson

April 24, 2016 04:00 - 29 minutes - 13.7 MB

Mark 1:1-8; Where do you run for hope when suffering comes? In the first century A.D. Mark wrote his gospel account to encourage Christians in Rome who were being martyred daily for faith in Jesus Christ. They would ask, "Is it worth it? Is Jesus worth dying for?" Marks answer is "Yes! Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God is worth it!"

The God who Knows-Kelly Dotson

April 17, 2016 04:00 - 29 minutes - 13.5 MB

1 Samuel 15:24-35; Saul has been found out and exposed. He offers a fake repentance, but God knows. God knows the heart, the impossible requirement and the great need.

The God Who Has Regrets-Kelly Dotson

April 10, 2016 04:00 - 31 minutes - 14.6 MB

1 Samuel 15:10-23; 29: Can an omniscient God have regret? Yahweh does and did when he made Saul king over Israel. That doesn't mean that God is out of control or doesn't know what he is doing, but it does show that he is emotionally invested in the lives and well being of his people. In this passage we see God's Disposition, God's Desire and God's Decision.

The God Who Has Enemies-Kelly Dotson

April 03, 2016 04:00 - 26 minutes - 12.1 MB

1 Samuel 15:1-9; God commands Saul and Israel to completely wipe out the Amalekites. Men, Women, Children and livestock. How we treat this passage because of what it teaches us about God actually reveals our hearts. Will we trust God when its hard? Or simply when its easy and convenient for us?

Seeking the Living Among the Dead-Kelly Dotson

March 27, 2016 04:00 - 27 minutes - 12.8 MB

Luke 24:1-12; Christ's Resurrection is presented to us by Doctor Luke as THE historical fact upon which all of Christianity hangs. In this passage some women who first ADMIRE Jesus, are EXASPERATED to find the tomb empty, are transformed by the ANNOUNCEMENT of Christ's resurrection from the dead and finally ADORE their risen Savior. What about you? Do you merely Admire Jesus or do you ADORE Jesus?

Jesus the Offender-Kelly Dotson

March 20, 2016 04:00 - 30 minutes - 13.9 MB

Luke 20:1-19; Jesus rides into Jerusalem hailed as the Messiah, Savior of Israel, and the Almighty King. And what does the great King do? He preaches and teaches the gospel, the good news which offends the religious leaders and the people of who recently crowned him. Jesus calls himself the cornerstone, the rock that breaks and crushes. We are called to fall on Christ and be broken by him.

Mid-Life Eulogy-Kelly Dotson

March 13, 2016 05:00 - 28 minutes - 13.2 MB

1 Samuel 14:47-52; In the middle of Saul's reign we are given his eulogy and surprisingly, its positive. We are told about Saul's Success, Saul's Family and Saul's Legacy. Saul's Eulogy allows us to reflect on what will be said about us when someone gives our eulogy. Will they say good things about us or will they say the most important thing?

Saved By Faith-Kelly Dotson

February 21, 2016 05:00 - 33 minutes - 15.3 MB

1 Samuel 13:16-14:23; Israel is once again on the precipice of disaster. They are hard pressed and Saul is both incompetent and unable to save Israel. And in steps a man of Faith, Jonathan. But we are not to look at Jonathan's work, but his faith in the LORD to save. We see Faith's Soil, Faith's Security and Faith's Savior.

What Have You Done- Kelly Dotson

February 14, 2016 05:00 - 32 minutes - 15.2 MB

1 Samuel 13:1-15; Saul's Son wins a great battle with the Philistines. But now they are coming against Saul and the Israelites and the people are fleeing from Saul. Saul then takes matters into his own hands and offers an impatient sacrifice, an improper sacrifice and then he lies about it to Saul and God. Yahweh responds to Saul's failure by promising a better king, one that he chooses. Our hope is in the great King, Jesus.

The LORD's Untamed Grace-Rev. Kelly Dotson

February 07, 2016 05:00 - 28 minutes - 13 MB

1 Samuel 12:19-25; Israel has sinned by worshiping other gods and now asking for a king instead of Yahweh. They sin wildly and recklessly. How is Yahweh going to respond to them? He overcomes their wild hearts with even greater wild grace.

Salvation Will Come-Rev. Kelly Dotson

January 31, 2016 05:00 - 28 minutes - 13.1 MB

1 Samuel 11:1-15; Nahash and the Ammonites are pressing in on Yahweh's People. Jabesh-Gilead is as good as dead. Where is Saul? Where is their King? How will Salvation come to Israel? Today we meet Israel's Adversary, the King's Action and the the King's Acceptance.

The Covenant Sign of Baptism-Rev. Kelly W. Dotson

January 24, 2016 05:00 - 30 minutes - 13.9 MB

Genesis 17:1-14; 22-27--Why do we baptize Infants? It has everything to do with God's Covenant with Abraham. Covenants are signs and seals of the promises of God and he command Abraham to give this sign to himself and his children after him. Water Baptism has replaced circumcision as the New Testament sign of the New Covenant.

Long Live the King-Rev. Kelly Dotson

January 17, 2016 05:00 - 27 minutes - 12.7 MB

1 Samuel 10:17-27; Saul is about to be publicly recognized as the first (human) king of Israel. This should be a time for celebration and joy, but for the people of God its anything but a celebration. Three sour notes are played to match the dissonance of the people's hearts. We see the LORD's Rebuke, the LORD's Choice and even better, the LORD's Provision.

Accidents in God's Plan-Rev. Kelly Dotson

January 10, 2016 05:00 - 30 minutes - 14 MB

1 Samuel 9:3-10:17; How do we understand all of the ordinary, mundane and seemingly fruitless things of this life? Saul's father's donkey's have gotten out and he Saul is sent to find them. Through a series of coincidences Saul ends up anointed as the King over Israel and the savior of God's people. Yahweh works most often in the ordinary, the mundane and secret things for our good and his Glory.

The King We Deserve-Rev. Kelly Dotson

January 03, 2016 05:00 - 26 minutes - 12.4 MB

1 Samuel 9:1-2; How should God treat us? What do we really deserve? i Samuel is the story of Human Dysfunction in our families, our religious worship and in our civil lives. God's response to our human dysfunction and sin is Divine Grace and faithfulness.

The Worlds and Words of God-Garland Brignac

December 27, 2015 05:00 - 27 minutes - 12.6 MB

Psalm 19-To whom are you listening? God or the world?

Rejecting the Kingdom-Rev. Kelly Dotson

December 20, 2015 05:00 - 28 minutes - 13 MB

Matthew 13:53-58; After Jesus tells his Kingdom Parables he goes home. There instead of a warm welcome the people of Jesus' hometown Matthew reports that the people are astonished by Jesus, they question his message and are offended by him. Jesus' message is astonishing, stands up to interrogation and is deeply offensive because we are sinners.

Have You Understood-Rev. Kelly Dotson

December 13, 2015 05:00 - 25 minutes - 11.7 MB

Matthew 13:47-52; In these final two Kingdom Parables Jesus reveals a Heavenly Judgment and an Earthly Calling. He compares his Kingdom to a large dragnet that is being cast into the sea. In the end the Righteous will be separated from the evil. God's people are then called understand the kingdom and tell others about it.

Kingdom Treasure-Rev. Kelly Dotson

December 06, 2015 05:00 - 31 minutes - 14.3 MB

Matthew 13:44-46; In this passage Jesus uses two similar stories to teach about the Value of his Kingdom. We learn the important spiritual principle: we are all searching for a treasure. The question for us is which treasure are we giving ourselves too? The only real and lasting treasure is the Christ and his Kingdom. The Good News is that Christ gave up his treasure so that we could have the only treasure that matter.

Paradoxical Parables-Rev. Kelly Dotson

November 29, 2015 05:00 - 31 minutes - 14.4 MB

Matthew 13:31-33; What is Christ's Kingdom like? Its small, insignificant and nothing much to look at. And that is just the way that Jesus wants it. Today we see that Christ's Kingdom is Paradoxically Small, Paradoxically Ordinary and Paradoxically Open. The good news is that we sinners fit right in to Christ's Paradoxical Kingdom.

The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds-Rev. Kelly Dotson

November 22, 2015 05:00 - 27 minutes - 12.6 MB

Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43- Jesus plants good seed in kingdom. But the evil one come and plants counterfeit seed in his Kingdom. Jesus says that until the very end the Children of God and the children of satan will coexist. Christians then are called to be discerning, but loving. Careful, but sacrificial. Jesus showed us that he is patient in his judgment, but judgment will come. Finally we are called to truly hear the gospel and believe upon Jesus.

The Parable of the Sower-Rev. Kelly Dotson

November 15, 2015 05:00 - 26 minutes - 12.1 MB

Matthew 13:3-9; 18-23: Too often the familiar becomes impotent. That is the danger for us when we hear passages and stories like this one. We think we understand it so we toss the message aside to move on to something bigger and better. But Jesus' message is for us, who know this most famous parable the best. And indeed, we are treading in dangerous waters when we toss it aside. Jesus teaches us about the Farmer of the Kingdom, the Field of the Kingdom and the Fruit of the Kingdom.

He Spoke In Parables-Rev. Kelly Dotson

November 08, 2015 05:00 - 28 minutes - 13.3 MB

Matthew 13:1-3; 10-17; 34-35-Glory: we all want it, but most of the time we accept imitation glory. Jesus wants us to know real glory and so he tells us about his Kingdom. But he does so in Parables. In this sermon we learn three things: 1) What are Parables? 2) Why did Jesus Speak in Parable? 3) How should we understand the Parables?

Death, Resurrection, and Eternal Life-Rev. Kelly Dotson

November 01, 2015 04:00 - 26 minutes - 12.3 MB

1 Corinthians 15:50-58; In this, the Final Installment on the Creeds of the Church, we look at the importance of believing in our bodily resurrection and our eternal life. Paul concludes his argument by reminding us that Christians have Spiritual Compensation, a Definite Transformation, a Hopeful Realization, and Present Regulations.

One Baptism For the Remission of Sins-Rev. Kelly Dotson

October 25, 2015 04:00 - 27 minutes - 12.5 MB

Titus 3:3-7; What do we mean when we confess that we believe in "one Baptism for the Remission of Sins" from the Nicene Creed? We want to avoid two ditches: 1) that Baptism Saves and 2) that Baptism merely symbolized. We confess that the Baptism of the Holy Spirit once and for all washes us from our sins and makes us right with God. Today Paul teaches us about the Blemish of Sin, the Bath of Justification and the Benefit of Spiritual Washing.

The Holy catholic Church-Rev. Kelly Dotson

October 18, 2015 04:00 - 26 minutes - 12 MB

Matthew 16:13-19; We believe in the Holy catholic Church. In this passage of Scripture Jesus teaches us that the Church is not an optional part of the Christian life and as the Westminster Confession of Faith teaches outside of the church there is no ordinary way to be saved. We have the church's Constitution in Peter's Confession; we hear about the church's contractor; and we receive the church's commission from Jesus.

Who Spoke by the Prophets-Rev. Kelly Dotson

October 11, 2015 04:00 - 27 minutes - 12.6 MB

2 Timothy 3:14-17; Christians confess that the Bible is the Word of God. The Apostle Paul command's Timothy to continue in the holy Scriptures because the Bible is God breathed and profitable and is his desired means to make us men and women of God. Furthermore, God has not given power to any other thing in the world to do this.

We Believe in the Holy Spirit-Rev. Kelly Dotson

September 27, 2015 04:00 - 29 minutes - 13.4 MB

John 14:15-26; Jesus teaches us in this passage that the Holy Spirit is God. Christians believe in the the Trinity: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. God the Holy Spirit is our Advocate and our teacher. He reminds us that we are forgiven and illuminates the scriptures. He works to glorify the Father and the Son.

The Ascended, Seated and Returning Christ-Rev. Kelly Dotson

September 20, 2015 04:00 - 32 minutes - 14.7 MB

Acts 1:6-11; 1 Corinthians 15:25-28; The Creeds teach us that after Jesus finished his work of redemption and was Resurrected from the dead that God the Father lifted him to his throne. After that he sat down at the right hand of the father to rule and reign over his kingdom. Finally we learn that Jesus will come again to judge all people. How will we be approved in the final judgment? Only through the finished work of Christ.

Rose Again From the Dead-Rev. Kelly Dotson

September 13, 2015 04:00 - 30 minutes - 13.9 MB

1 Corinthians 15:12-23; Christians believe in Jesus' bodily resurrection from the dead. The apostle Paul said that everything about Christianity is wrapped up in the FACT that Christ rose. It is not a secondary doctrine but vital to who we are as Christians.

Suffered Under Pontius Pilate, Crucified-Rev. Kelly Dotson

August 30, 2015 04:00 - 30 minutes - 14 MB

Isaiah 52:13-53:13; The message of Christianity is simple: Christ suffered for his people. Christians confess that Christ's suffering was ESSENTIAL to our salvation. Jesus suffered rejection, beatings, the painful and terrible torture of the cross but, most importantly, he took the stroke of justice our sins deserved.

Conceived by the Holy Spirit-Rev. Kelly Dotson

August 23, 2015 04:00 - 25 minutes - 11.8 MB

Luke 1:26-38; The Creeds of the church confess the virgin birth of Christ and the Incarnation of God. Why is this doctrine necessary for modern Christians? Haven't we moved passed the need for miracles like the virgin birth? The ancient church understood that if we do away with the Virgin birth we do away with the good news of Jesus Christ.

The Lord, Jesus Christ-Rev. Kelly Dotson

August 16, 2015 04:00 - 27 minutes - 12.5 MB

John 1:14-18; 3:16-18 Who we say Christ is is who we are. The Creeds correct our erroneous views about Jesus by teaching us first that Jesus is the begotten of the Father (not created, like us). That he is LORD (Yahweh himself). And, finally, that he is the Christ (Messiah). All of this reminds us that we need a savior, not just an example.

God, The Father Almighty-Rev. Kelly Dotson

August 09, 2015 04:00 - 29 minutes - 13.5 MB

Acts 17:22-31; Everyone believes in something and most everyone believes in "God". But what do we mean when we say, "God"? The creeds of the church begin by pointing us to God the Almighty, God the Creator and God the Father. The Apostle Paul introduces the men of Athens to the God of the Bible in Acts 17.

We Believe In...-Rev. Kelly Dotson

August 02, 2015 04:00 - 25 minutes - 11.7 MB

1 Corinthians 15:1-11; What makes a Christian? Going to Church? Doing good things? No, what makes a Christian is what we believe in. This is our first sermon in a series titled, "Our Common Creed" looking at the Apostle's and Nicene Creeds. Christians are people who 1) believe, 2) believe IN CHRIST, and 3) Continue to believe.

Concluding Remarks-Rev. Kelly Dotson

July 26, 2015 04:00 - 26 minutes - 12 MB

Colossians 4:7-18; The Apostle Paul concludes his letter to the Colossians by listing ten friends and fellow servants of Christ. We have a tendency to get lost in the names and miss what the LORD would have us learn from these names. The gospel of Jesus Christ goes forth through faithful minister, fellow servants and firm friends.

Conducive Christian Conduct-Rev. Kelly Dotson

July 19, 2015 04:00 - 28 minutes - 13 MB

Colossians 4:2-6; Paul gets the the end and climax of his instruction to the Colossians. Today we see that Paul commands us to Pray continually. Secondly we are to live wisely in the world, speaking to those outside of the church graciously. Too often Christians are short on Prayer and wisdom.

God on Trial-Rev. Kelly Dotson

July 12, 2015 04:00 - 25 minutes - 11.6 MB

Exodus 17:1-7; the Book of Exodus is a profound book which teaches us about Yahweh's Faithfulness to increasingly unfaithful Israel. He saved from slavery and just a few chapters later the people bring a Covenant Lawsuit against Moses and Yahweh, charging them with treason. If the people are justified in their charge then Yahweh should die, if they are not then they take the penalty for their unjust charge. How will Yahweh maintain his Holiness and his Mercy? Who is going to die?

The Christian Home- Rev. Kelly Dotson

July 05, 2015 04:00 - 31 minutes - 14.6 MB

Colossians 3:18-4:1; the Apostle Paul has been laying out the appropriate response to the Excellency and the Sufficiency of Jesus Christ for the Colossians. Today we hear about the Christian home. How should husbands and wives, parents and children, and employers and employees (Masters and Slaves) interact with one another? The key is to understand who Christ is and who we are in Christ.

The Christian Dress Code-Rev. Kelly Dotson

June 28, 2015 04:00 - 25 minutes - 11.8 MB

Colossians 3:12-17; The Apostle Paul, having done away with the inappropriate clothing, not fitting for a christian, now focuses his attention on the appropriate Christian dress. Even here Paul begins our Internal Foundation, then moves to the External Accessories and finally, our Essential Disposition.

Death to Sin-Rev. Kelly Dotson

June 21, 2015 04:00 - 30 minutes - 14 MB

Colossians 3:5-11; Our hearts are desperately wicked. So much so that we misdiagnose our real problem by simply addressing the symptoms that manifest themselves in our lives. In this passage the Apostle Paul commands Christians to kill remaining sin in a most shocking way. We don't rise up and kill, we rise up and THINK! Think about Jesus Christ, his person and work and what he did to make you his.

Seek the Things Above-Rev. Kelly Dotson

June 14, 2015 04:00 - 30 minutes - 13.8 MB

Colossians 3:1-4; Paul's desire is for the Colossians believers to be mature in Christ. How are they to grow? Paul begins by telling them to THINK. Obedience to Christ is a matter of our thinking first and foremost. Here we see WHO WE ARE in Christ; WHAT WE SHOULD DO because we are in Christ; and WHY WE SHOULD BE OBEDIENT to Christ.

Gospel Indulgence-Rev. Kelly Dotson

June 07, 2015 04:00 - 26 minutes - 12 MB

Colossians 2:20-23; We are not Christians because of what we do, but what and in whom we believe. We are Christians because we have heard and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because we are Christians we respond in faith to Christ in obedience. In this passage Paul warns the believers in Colossae to avoid human regulations because they actually INCREASE fleshly indulgence.

Christ's Free Christian-Rev. Kelly Dotson

May 31, 2015 04:00 - 29 minutes - 13.6 MB

Colossians 2:16-19; Christians are those that are captive to Christ and free to the world. We are free from the worldly restriction of diet and days and rules and regulations. False teachers will restrict their by requiring law keeping for the sake of salvation. The result is arrogant thinking, puffed up living and malformed growth. In Christ, however, we should expect Christ focused thinking, humble living and natural and healthy growth.

Christ's Captive Christians-Rev. Kelly Dotson

May 24, 2015 04:00 - 30 minutes - 14.2 MB

Colossians 2:6-15; Now that Paul has taught the indicatives (who the Colossians ARE in Christ) he moves on to give the imperatives (what they should not be doing). In these verses he gives two commands: first, walk in him and second, don't be taken captive by the empty philosophies of the world. Even in the commands we see that Paul is focused on Christ and indeed, the only way to DO anything as a Christian is to be IN Christ.

Paul's Joy Filled Ministry-Kelly Dotson

May 10, 2015 04:00 - 31 minutes - 14.7 MB

Colossians 1:24-2:5; the Apostle Paul is filled with joy inspite of his suffering for the gospel, his stewardship of the gospel and his struggle to proclaim the gospel. Paul wants the Colossians to have Christ and nothing else!


Are We There Yet?
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The Right Stuff
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