As Therapists, we often care too much about our client’s well-being that we forget ourselves. We think that we need to nurture them and that we can heal them, but at the end of the day, we’re only humans. Therapists also need support and a safe space to unload and be free.

Connect with God and listen to this episode today!

Highlights and Resources:

My group practice journey

What is Soul Care?

Why is Soul Care Important for Therapists Specifically?

Spiritual Exercise: Lectio Divina

Group connecting and closing

The Gift of Being Yourself: The Sacred Call to Self-Discovery -

What is Soul Care?

International Practice of integrating all aspects of caring for the whole person: Mind, body, and spirit.

A paradigm shift that views all of life as spiritual and interconnected.

Intentionally making choices to create space, attention, time, and care for your soul to thrive.

Intentionally slowing down to be. Not just the hustle of doing. This feels counterintuitive but is instrumental in preventing burnout.

Why is Soul Care Important for Therapists Specifically?

Consider all the stories and trauma we hear during our careers.

We must acknowledge that this affects how we internally interact with ourselves, God, and others. You can't “unheard” and “unknown” all the stories you heard.

Soul Care helps Therapists to unload all the stress and burdens they have to carry from their careers to their personal life.

Spiritual Exercise: Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is a dynamic method of reading  God's word that dates back to AD 300. It takes a four-step procedure, which is as follows:





Lectio Divina prompts you to quietly, slowly, and intently savor and meditate over God's words. It allows you to respond to what you believe God is saying and assists you in constructing a vital bridge between your experiences with God and daily life.

Feel free to invite God into your space and meditate with me in this episode! 


Connect with me

Instagram @faithfringes



Email Dawn: [email protected]