Welcome to another episode of Soul Care for Therapists! In this episode, Dawn Gabriel is joined by Jane Carter, a renowned business coach and psychotherapist. Jane is known for her expertise in helping people achieve their goals and create a meaningful life. She brings a holistic approach to her work, blending spirituality and business principles. Dawn and Jane dive deep into the concept of treating your business like the slow food movement, emphasizing the importance of mindful growth and avoiding the pitfalls of comparison and rapid scaling.

About Jane Carter

As both a business coach and a psychotherapist, Jane loves helping people navigate the path to achieving their goals for a meaningful life. She applies these principles in her own life in the mountains of Asheville, NC, where she’s an outdoorswoman, world-traveler, dog-mama, and coffee-shop connoisseur. Jane offers individual coaching as well as her 9-month Mighty Mastermind to help solopreneurs create a business (and life) they love.

Embracing the Spiritual Side of a Therapy Practice

Dawn introduces Jane Carter, an esteemed guest who has a well-rounded view of business and spirituality. Jane believes that our businesses are here to grow us, and they can be arenas where we experience spiritual growth. She quotes Teihard de Chardin, saying, "We're not human beings having a spiritual experience. We're spiritual beings having a human experience." Jane emphasizes the idea that everything we do can be considered spiritual, including our work and business endeavors. She encourages us to bring our full selves into everything we do, including our businesses.

The Slow Food Movement of Growing a Private Practice

Jane compares her coaching style to the slow food movement, which originated in Italy as a pushback against the fast-paced culture surrounding food. The slow food movement emphasizes savoring the food, appreciating where it comes from, and enjoying the process of its creation. Similarly, Jane encourages her clients to adopt a slow and deliberate approach to business. She addresses the pressure to scale and grow rapidly, which often leads to burnout and a loss of self. Jane suggests embracing the process and savoring each step along the way, allowing for personal growth and alignment with one's values.

The Dangers of Comparison and Social Media

Dawn and Jane discuss the harmful effects of comparison, particularly in the age of social media. Jane acknowledges that social media can make us feel bad about ourselves, especially when we compare our behind-the-scenes reality with others' polished highlight reels. She urges caution when consuming social media content and emphasizes the need to recognize the curated nature of what is being presented. Jane shares that she hires someone to manage her social media presence to avoid getting sucked into the comparison game.

Practical Tips for Mindful Business Growth

Dawn asks Jane for practical advice for her coaching clients who are looking for alternatives to rapid growth. Jane advises against comparing oneself to others and suggests getting clear on what you truly want. She emphasizes the importance of aligning your business goals with your values and creating a business that feels right for you. Jane shares her personal journey of realizing that a small boutique coaching practice was what she truly desired, rather than a large-scale operation. She encourages listeners to consider not just the financial aspects but also the overall feel and experience they want their business to embody.

The Importance of Red Flags and Warning Signs

Identifying Red Flags is key to being mindful. Jane emphasizes the significance of recognizing red flags that indicate a lack of balance and self-neglect. She advises paying attention to warning signs such as feeling burnt out, neglecting friendships, or neglecting personal well-being. "I'm feeling really burnt out. I'm feeling kind of crispy around the edges."

Prioritizing Personal Connections to avoid burnout. You do not want to get to the point where you are exhausted and you hate your life. Dawn shares her experience of prioritizing personal connections over her to-do list. She emphasizes the importance of structuring business activities to align with personal values and goals. "This is the life I wanna live, so I am gonna let go of my to-do list."

Recognizing Subtle Signs of Imbalance

Listening to your body helps you recognize burnout. Jane points out the significance of paying attention to subtle signs of imbalance, such as increased irritability or discomfort. These signs serve as reminders to slow down and evaluate priorities.
"If I'm cussing more than usual, that's a sign. I'm really irritable and that means I haven't tended to my soul."

Remember to check in with yourself. Dawn highlights the importance of self-awareness and the need to slow down to recognize the nuances of discomfort or unease. She encourages individuals to evaluate the source of their anxiety or hesitation.
"You have to slow down to know if it's fear-based or if it's not resonating with your soul."

Action Steps:

Identify Red Flags: Take time to identify personal red flags or warning signs that indicate a lack of balance and self-care. Pay attention to feelings of burnout or neglecting personal relationships.

Listen to Your Body: Slow down and listen to your body's subtle signals. Notice signs of increased irritability or discomfort, as they may indicate the need for self-care and introspection.

Evaluate Business Alignment: Regularly assess your business activities and marketing efforts. Notice if they align with your values and authentic self. Trust your gut instincts and make adjustments if something feels misaligned.

Build a Supportive Community: Seek out a mastermind group or community of like-minded individuals who can provide honest feedback and support. Surround yourself with people who encourage personal and professional growth.

Practice Self-Compassion: Celebrate your wins and achievements, no matter how small.  

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others: Break free from the comparison trap and stop measuring our worth based on others' highlight reels. Constantly comparing ourselves to others on social media can foster discontentment and hinder our ability to appreciate and embrace our own unique journey and accomplishments.

Resources and Links

Jane Carter Coaching


Show notes and Audio production by James Marland