"What's in your garage?"

Two-thirds of American homes have their garage so stuffed with "stuff" that their car will not fit.


In This Episode, We Look At:

You could have a garage sale. The average profit is $500-$700. But, it's very time-consuming, you have competition of other garage sales and other events going on in your area.

Sell online. Don't even have to leave your house.

Online platforms bring more "eyeballs" to your stuff (in the thousands—compared those that would drive to your house for a garage sale)

What would you do with an extra $500? Pay off a debt? Boost savings/investments? Give to that need that has been on your heart?

These are good reasons to roll up your sleeve and starting clearing out stuff and start selling.


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"What's in your garage?"

Two-thirds of American homes have their garage so stuffed with "stuff" that their car will not fit.


In This Episode, We Look At:

You could have a garage sale. The average profit is $500-$700. But, it's very time-consuming, you have competition of other garage sales and other events going on in your area.

Sell online. Don't even have to leave your house.

Online platforms bring more "eyeballs" to your stuff (in the thousands—compared those that would drive to your house for a garage sale)

What would you do with an extra $500? Pay off a debt? Boost savings/investments? Give to that need that has been on your heart?

These are good reasons to roll up your sleeve and starting clearing out stuff and start selling.


Resources and Links:




Share Your Thoughts:

If you have a question or comment about today's topic, we invite you to share your thoughts.

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Matt Website or Twitter

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