In this podcast episode, the guest, Nancy Debra Barrows, discusses the importance of authenticity and being genuine on LinkedIn. She encourages people to be themselves and share their personality, as this human connection is what draws people to engage with each other.

The conversation also highlights the benefits of trying out content on LinkedIn, which is deemed a lower bar but a higher upside platform compared to other social media

Show Notes:Making others feel seen, heard, loved, and valued can lead to more engagement and a sense of community.LinkedIn can be a good place to experiment with content and personality without the pressure of being an influencer.Send personalized connection requests to stand out and foster human connections.Join Nancy Deborah Barrows on LinkedIn for her live shows, What's Good Wednesday and Shout Out Saturday.
Key Takeaways:Authenticity and human connection are important for success on LinkedIn.Experiment with content and personality on LinkedIn, as it offers a less intimidating environment than other platforms.Personalized connection requests can help foster genuine connections.Consider reevaluating the "executive board" in your mind to make room for positive influences and connections.
Nancy Debra Barrows on LinkedIn
What's Good Wednesday (6 PM PST) and Shout Out Saturday (9 AM PST), on Brian Shulman's channel.