Not many Americans can say they've visited North Korea. Even fewer have competed against them in any type of sport. Wally Green took an incredibly unlikely path to help spark change in international relations. From growing up with guns & bad influences to finding his life-saving calling in Ping Pong, Wally does not back down from failure. His optimism is infectious and his light-hearted nature (and bravery) is something that will stick with you long after listening. Enjoy!

Not many Americans can say they've visited North Korea. Even fewer have competed against them in any type of sport. Wally Green took an incredibly unlikely path to help spark change in international relations: Ping Pong.

Links from Wally Green
- Wally Green on Instagram
- Wally Green on TikTok
- Wally Green TedX Talk

(Album art interior photo credit to Ysa Pérez from The New York Times)