Emmy-winning Casting, Brand & Talent Development legend Vinnie Potestivo shares just how difficult show business can be. He discusses many hilarious and insightful stories about his career including his time at MTV Networks where, as producer, he helped to launch shows like Punk'd and The Osbournes. In addition, he also helped cast for shows like TRL, The Tom Green Show, Pimp My Ride and many more!

I love his outlook on failure: "When you prepare for failure, it sets you up to win epically or fail collectively. If you're failing really really big, and you're the only person who's failing, you did it wrong. But if you're failing with a group of people, that's learning! That's relationship building and pioneering."

Vinnie Potestivo - "Our mission is to build multimedia podcasts that ignite conversations, impact communities, and inspire global action."

Links from Vinnie Potestivo:
Vinnie's LinkedIn
Vinnie's Instagram
I Have a Podcast's IMDb Page (he did it!)

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