Erin Hodgson is a non-bio mom to her two boys with her wife, living in New Zealand.  This episode felt like we recorded several episodes in one!

After a quick geography lesson on New Zealand, we dive into her plans of world-schooling in 2023. 

I'm so glad I asked her how she met her wife, because you won't believe her story!

After sharing her experience inducing lactation to nurse her second son, as well as what it's like to be a family of two moms raising two boys, she shares what it means to her to raise good humans.

If you're wanting to become a more conscious parent, break generational cycles and think long-term about your idea of "success" for your kids, you will want to stay to the end!
She speaks to the guilt of wanting "more" and how the more we discover about ourselves overflows and improves our parenting.

In this episode, she shares...

The skills she feels can't be learned in a classroomHow to support our kids when the world they'll be in hasn't been created yetWhy she doesn't believe you're failing your kids and why you shouldn't think so either

IG - @awakeningthewisewoman
Podcast: SHE is Wise

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