In this episode, Nikou speaks to Lauren Lavender, a recovering burned out stay at home mom turned a successful ‘momtrepreneur' helping burned out women find the strength they need to accomplish their goals through motivation, education and empowerment without letting fear, anxiety and doubt get in their way.



My son is almost 2, he was planned, my husband and I were looking forward to having him and I had a successful and beautiful pregnancy but a terrible labour and delivery and I realised things won't always go the way you plan them. Six months into motherhood something felt wrong and I felt like I was repeating the same two hour shift all day giving to my husband and my son with nothing coming back.I felt the need to enter back the work force where I previously got a lot of validation that I didn't have in my personal life. I realised I was a people pleaser. Now I think everyone is born with a purpose and a passion and if you don't figure out what that is you will never be happy, your kids will never be successful, your husband will not be successful, because wives and mothers and female feminine energy is really the backbone of a family. If we can't take care of ourselves everybody else is going to follow suit and ultimately fail.I started the Fortunately Relatable podcast to help burned out women to accomplish their goals with the power they already have.Mom-guilt is natural, it's an emotion and it needs to be managed. If you try to be perfect you'll burn out and you're setting yourself and your kids up to fail.Show your kids you're a human, you have flaws, but you also have passion. Guide them to bring out the best in them.I didn't realise routines were so powerful until I became a mom, now you serves at least two schedules. I get up before everyone, at 4:50am, to have time to myself and get prepared for the day.I make sure to carve out at least 90 minutes a day to spend with my husband after the kids have gone to bed but I'm not as good at winding down.After a year of staying at home I needed to go back to work and I went for roles I wanted regardless of salary or earning capacity and I got amazing offers back and it felt like returning home.Mom needs to do what's important for mom too. Your kid may not understand you going after work that takes her away from him now, but he'll look back and be proud of what you're doing. Forgive yourself.Perfect is impossible and is the key to burnout. You need to be very very clear with your needs as a couple and as individuals up front, but also to review them from time to time to make sure you're both getting what you need and to see things from each other's points of view.



‘Momhood is really hard.'

‘Everybody is able to do what they want to do, it's just a matter of going out and getting it.'

‘Passion is a hell of a drug.'

‘Make fear your friend.'



Lauren was that burned out woman, she grew up as a notorious people pleaser, running on the thoughts and validations of others. She was constantly unhappy, unsuccessful, unloved and ultimately unaccepted because she never did what was best for her. Now she's turned her pain into purpose as a marketing manager, podcast host and executive producer of Fortunately Relatable, proud mom to a human and a dog and wife to her favourite mentor. 


Her mission is to serve a million burned out people and help them become the bets versions of themselves using the power they already have.






Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @nikouela



Nikou Lohse is a mom of three, wife to former MLB pitcher Kyle Lohse, Master Pilates instructor, yoga teacher, and lover of all things MOVEment, MINDFULness, and commUNITY. 


Nikou is a serial entrepreneur. She started her first company at 21 doing sales & marketing for Fortune 500 companies, made her first million at 24, and decided to exit at 30 in order to pursue her passion for helping others. She became a yoga, Pilates, barre, and mindfulness instructor, but her own struggle with SIBO and postpartum depression led her to redefine the way she took care of her body. Now, as a holistic health coach, she is on a mission to empower women and help them heal their gut through nutrition, movement, mindfulness, and spirituality. 



Email: [email protected]


Podcast Description

Failing forward is about the successes we find after enduring failure. Each episode is an opportunity to hear interviews and stories from professional athletes, entrepreneurs, executives, doctors, and loved ones who have fallen down, struggled, and transformed.


They'll be sharing how they got to where they are today, and the lessons they learned along the way. We'll be covering topics in entrepreneurship, careers, relationships, holistic wellness, mindfulness, gut health, and finding your competitive edge. With raw human moments and empowering information, this podcast is here to inspire you, remind you of your greatness, and give you the knowledge to up-level in every area of your life. 

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