[Rumble Video Version: https://rumble.com/v4gctw0-sn1407.html]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/03/08/sn1408-psychopathic-politics-cesspool-of-sickness-new-globalization/]

As the seasons change, so does the chaos we cover. We start the show off by playing a few clips that show how accelerated and crazy things have become, and why its important to have a solid foundation going forward. The controlling elite are actively trying to destabilize society and insert this new authoritative society over its uninformed masses.

We’ve got the current head of the CDC Mandy Cohen telling Americans to get prepared for their fall booster shot while Croatia and Japan have come out speaking on the lethality surrounding the jabs. Speaking of informed masses, those still taking the jabs are seeing a massive increase in cancer numbers. We’re seeing more than just death associated with these jabs, and it’s sad.

While I may express sympathy and compassion for my fellow humans who have taken the shoots, our adversaries don't. The deep state are actively working to get their replacements into the country. This isn’t an isolated event in America either, it’s a worldwide operation. The people in power need a new class of people to oppress because Americans are angrily waking up from their slumber.

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