[Rumble Video Version:https://rumble.com/v4j5qc3-sn1409.html]

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2024/03/15/sn1409-lawlessness-descends-the-12-sigma-event-farming-humanity/]

We’re back at it this week looking at the general dissolution of modern society. Armed Americans patrolling their neighborhoods because understaffed police are no longer able to respond to “in-progress emergencies”. Meanwhile, talks about deploying the national guard to transit areas are being openly discussed by politicians.

Reports are finally coming in confirming the large-scale damage caused by the vaccines, and it’s being called a 12-sigma event; something that has a 0% chance of occurring. 17+ million people being killed had a 0% chance of occurring, what has that level of accuracy? We get into it and more in this edition.

As if scientifically calculated mass murder and the dissolution of law and order wasn’t enough, we’re talking about taking in more migrants - this time from a war-torn Haiti, where we know the Clinton Foundation is heavily involved. Chaos hasn’t really erupted yet in America. The controlling elites are still setting the stage for activation day.

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