''Flow are those enjoyable, wonderful, delightful moments of thorough engagement with the present.'' – Steven Kotler

What do the richest, happiest, and most revered people in the world know about success, that most people don’t? What if there was a way for you to tap into a higher level of consciousness and completely upgrade your life?

In today’s episode of the Front Row Factor podcast, Steven Kotler, is here to let you in on the secret formula that the uber successful are using to lead extraordinary lives.

Steven is a New York Times bestselling author, an award-winning journalist and the co-founder and director of research for the Flow Genome Project. He is one of the world’s leading experts on ultimate human performance.

His writings have been translated into over 40 languages and appeared in over 80 publications, including The New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Forbes, Wired and TIME. He also writes “Far Frontiers,” a blog about science and culture for Forbes.com, appears frequently on television and radio, and lectures widely on technological, scientific and cultural issues, both to corporate and education institutions.

In this super entertaining conversation, Steven and I dive deep into his latest book, Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work.

You’ll quickly learn that stepping into an altered state of mind isn’t just for drug induced dancing bears and dead head gatherings. There is a wide spectrum of altered states of consciousness, including flow, which you can harness to improve performance, optimize your health, and achieve the impossible!

Here’s a quick breakdown of our chat…

[09:12] Ever wonder where information actually comes from? Find out what Steven thinks and what your intuition has to do with it! [11:20] Steven’s unconventional and surefire method for making any project a success. [14:30] Find out why everything Steven does is organized around creating “flow.” [16:14] What exactly is flow and how can it be used to optimize your mental and physical well-being?   [19:00] Learn the science behind flow and it’s proven ability to fight against autoimmune conditions and life threatening illnesses.   [20:20] What Stealing Fire can teach you about tapping into a heightened state of mind so you can live an extraordinary life. [28:30] Steven reveals the 4 powerful forces of extasis that can improve your human performance, including the most addictive state on earth! [34:00] Why isn’t everybody talking about this high performance success formula and how are these altered states of consciousness now proving to create authentic mystical experiences? [43:30] Is it  possible to hunt for flow and intentionally program you're self-conscious mind? [50:30] The dangers of tapping into altered states of consciousness and why we need to use these techniques wisely.

''Everything I do, is done to generate flow.'' - Steven Kotler

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Links and Resources

[BOOK] Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work [SITE] StevenKotler.com [SITE] Flow Genome Project [TOOL] Learn Your Flow Type

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