''You never know until you do it.'' - Tim Conners

What preconceived notions and limiting beliefs are holding you back from dreaming big and living life fully? When was the last time you stepped out of your comfort zone and did something courageous?

In this powerful conversation, my friend Tim Conners, will challenge you to see life from a whole new perspective!

At the young age of 15 Tim’s life was thrown upside-down after receiving a diagnosis of t-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. For about three months Tim would find himself in remission from the cancer, but before he had time to catch his breath it was back. Not only was it back, but this time it was attacking his optic nerves in his eyes. In approximately 48 hours Tim would lose his sight, but the real concern was how to keep him alive.

Tim would go on to receive a bone marrow transplant. What was supposed to save his life almost took him in the process. He experienced heart, lung, and kidney failure. Against all odds including doctors who prepared his family for their last goodbyes, he would make it.

Tim has chosen to use this life changing experience to gain a positive perspective and says it has "opened up his eyes to everything that was in front of him”.  Although he still faces complications today, he continues to persevere through them, and work toward his mission of living life fully, making a difference, and redefining possible.

Tim is attending his senior year at Ithaca College, studying "Communications Studies" in New York and has already taken a path as a motivational speaker, a blind adventurer, and released his first book It’s Impossible Until You Do It.

He believes people can move mountains if they move them together, and on May 22nd he is embarking on his latest endeavor called “MounTimPossible” to climb the highest mountain in Africa, Mount Kilimanjaro. His goal is to raise money for the organizations that not only saved his life, but gave him the strength to start living again so they can provide the same services to other children like him as well.

I got the pleasure of meeting Tim a few years ago, while giving a speech at Ithaca College. His story and outlook on life completely inspired me and I’ve been fortunate to call him my friend ever since.

Today, Tim is here to share his story with the Front Row Factor community. His sense of adventure, desire to live big, and his profound ability to see the world, despite being blind, is truly inspiring. Tim will show you that anything in life is possible if you willing to put your mind to it.

Here’s a quick breakdown of our chat…

[10:09] Why nothing is impossible if you’re willing to set your mind to it. [14:38] Find out how Tim beat Cancer, pushed through the adversity of losing his vision, and why he’s now taking on the challenge of climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro.    [23:30] How to prioritize what matters the most, live life fully and never take no for an answer. [27:19] America’s Ambassador of Hope shares his 5 principles to becoming successful. [31:50] Find out how Tim’s commitment to adventure has raised over $10,000 and is positively impacting the world. [33:22] Why Tim said “YES” to Mt. Kilimanjaro and what it can teach you about capitalizing on the present moment. [37:29] Learn how you can help yourself by serving others. [43:46] Why it’s so important to surround yourself with the right people. [47:10] How to structure a challenging environment that brings out the best in you. [56:42] Tim shares a powerful memory that will teach you about what it means to truly see the world!

''I believe we can move mountains if we move them together.'' - Tim Conners

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[SITE] MounTimPossible [BOOK] It’s Impossible Until You Do It [SOCIAL] Facebook, Twitter, Instagram [BOOK] Front Row Factor: Transform Your Life with The Art of Moment Making

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