Small Talk:

Suzanne and Valerie read each other's bios.

Big Talk:

Why we named our podcast Facing 40.

This Bunmi Laditan quote sets the whole mood of our podcast:

“I know as a woman I'm supposed to be afraid of getting older but I love this shit so much. Every year I sink deeper into this bath of unapologetic realness and it's amazing.”

How we feel about being millenials. How all of us living our lives out loud and being so connected could help us live more authentic lives. Defining and redefining middle age and midlife. Valerie talks about approaching a midlife crisis and how Brené Brown’s article about the midlife unraveling is helping to guide her to “midlove”. How exhausting it is to only broadcast your “highlight reel”. Feeling safe showing up as who you really are. Over-identifying with roleplaying in our real lives and how it has affected us. How we’ve believed that we’re “too much” and “not enough”.

“…it seems as if we spend the first half of our lives shutting down feelings to stop the hurt, and the second half trying to open everything back up to heal the hurt.”

The Invitation by Oriah Mountain Dreamer

Love & Let Go:

Suzanne loves dance parties with her sons and is letting go of the life she was living in Oklahoma and what she gave up to move to Denver.

Valerie loves her womxn’s circle and is letting go of playing small.

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