In this episode, Tom and Chris talk about the emotional toll the protests (mainly the agitators) have taken on our Law Enforcement Officers.  In these tough times, it's important to remember that you are appreciated for the work good work that you do on a daily basis.  The anti-police sentiment that is out there today is not directed at you as individuals, but the profession you represent.  The labels do not reflect upon you as a person and it is very important to remember that.

Tom and Chris suggested the CHAZ leadership and the Seattle leadership sit down and figure it out!  Work together to come to some sort of solution to end the camp-out.

With the opening of the country, many states are seeing a rise in Corona Virus cases, and Nevada is no different.  Tom talks about a recent field trip to a local casino where he witnessed the steps that were taken to help prevent the spread.

PFC Vanessa Guillen went missing from Ft Hood in Texas on April, 22, 2020.  The last her mother heard, she was having some sexual harassment issues with a sergeant at work.  Let's spread the word and find out what happened to her.  We hope and pray she is safe!

Finally, if you would like to share your appreciation for a first-responder or healthcare hero, we have set up a way for our listeners to record a short message (5 minutes max).  We will periodically share messages on future episodes.  Please click the link or go to our website to record your message.

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