Previous Episode: Meet Twitch Beard
Next Episode: Tics and Freeze ups

In a span of little more than a year, FabulouslyTouretteRadio has evolved from self podcasting, venting, mind organizing to interviewing and conversing with guests and engaging in topics revolving around the mission of this podcast, share experience and advocate awareness in Tourette's syndrome and mental health.

And this episode not only marks the start of a new season, but season 4 marks a new beginning for this podcast as I am expanding to conversations beyond just Tourette's and mental health.

In this episode I have had the great pleasure of engaging in deep conversation with my guest Jillian McMillian who is a New Yorker, a mom of many stories, a mental health survivor, and she also volunteers at an organization called where she passionately wholeheartedly support the homeless population and the pets of their homeless human companions. In this episode you will hear about the PUPP Act, you will hear about my guest's own experience dealing with homelessness while raising a family and recovering from traumas. 

This is a powerful episode of engaging dialogues of real people sharing their vulnerability, struggles, and their hopes of a better future.

Thank you for your continuing listening.