Tia Reid

Tia Reid says:

Having been diagnosed with T2D, Metabolic Syndrome, Hypertension, Obesity, Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver, Sleep Apnea as well as Adrenal Insufficiency and carbohydrate addiction. I realized it was high time I engaged in Self-Management of my chronic illness. I needed to, in effect, take action to improve my health to save my own life.

I adapted to the mindset through the guidance of Dr. Robert Cywes that carbohydrates are an addiction to treat my T2D and metabolic syndrome. This is what saved my life. It was abundantly clear that I am a carbohydrate/sugar addict. Under the care of Dr. Cywes and support from everyone in the LowCarb Community, I have eliminated over 20 medications.I now have a passion for life and a desire to help others.

I have over 35 years of experience in service based environments. From owning a restaurant and Motel, to currently working in a hospital setting as the Director of Nutritional Services.

Because of my firsthand knowledge of how a LCHF lifestyle can help and even reverse NAFL,T2D, Obesity, Hypertension and Adrenal insufficiency, sleep apnea, depression and gout. I am enthusiastic to give others the therapeutic option of LCHF Nutrition on their individual journeys to wellness, as a Nutrition Network Coach accredited by the Society of Metabolic Practitioners and Certified and Licensed SUGAR Addiction Specialist. With this certification, specializing in sugar/flour and processed-food addiction that includes effective screening, assessment, evaluation, and treatment of processed-food addiction. 

I am currently enrolled in HMA Training on the highly beneficial process of biochemical repair or in the pro-active treatment of Addiction Interaction Disorder (AID) with Bittens Addiction.


Tia’s Top Tips

Start today – don’t wait another day.
Nothing that happened before matters – just don’t look back.
Keep it simple.
Don’t make it too hard.
Don’t be afraid of fat – fat is your friend.
You don’t need sugar to live – it is non essential.
If you mess up set a goal for the next meal – don’t wait for the next day.
No-one is perfect.
Be courageous and ask for help if you need it.


Resources Mentioned

Wheat Belly – William Davis MD



Rob Cywes

The Carb Addiction Doc





Dr Rob Cywes videos on Low Carb USA

UNCOPE Sugar addiction questionnaire

Dr Tro




Dr Tony Hampton



Dr Brain Lenzkes





Bitten Johnnson




Freshwell Play Store App
