FOMO: “Fear of Missing Out”

It happens to us all. It’s the cause of many poor decisions. The reason why we have too much on our plate. It’s contributes to energetic obesity and chronic anxiety.

The root of this fear is the feeling that “I am not enough,” just by myself. ”I need to add to my deficiencies, and all these things are going to fill up the emptiness inside.”

There is a means of eliminating FOMO.

Would you like to know?

It’s high sense of self-worth. It’s trusting that you have everything you need, that you have what it takes, that you are completely equipped to handle all that life serves up for you. It’s knowing what’s right for you, and knowing what’s wrong for you. And that comes with a strong sense of who you are and your values. No need to prostitute your energy in places that don’t see your worth. Go where you are valued, respected, heard and understood. Go where it’s soothing to the soul and comforting to your heart. There is a right place, right time, right person, right action. When you engage in what’s aren’t missing out on anything.