Did you know that the walls of your home absorb all the frequencies of its inhabitants? They are great listeners and feel everything you do. Your inner world is not as hidden as you think. Your home knows about it. When a guest comes over, on some level, they can experience your emotions by the feel of the house.

What if there is a lot of arguing, fear, or hopelessness in the walls? Trying to get some R&R in all of that sounds impossible.

The home is meant to rejuvenate, not cause more stress. Let’s ensure that the energy of our home is one that uplifts, calms, soothes, nourishes and protects. Just think of the many hours a day you live inside this structure. Treat it like an organism, a house plant. A home needs tending. Rip out the weeds, water it and feed it, love on it. Then the home will radiate life for you.

A very simple way to cleanse the walls of dense energies is to diffuse Lemongrass essential oil all throughout the home. Think of it as a disinfectant for frequencies that act like harmful bacterias to our soul.

Harmony in the Home will create Harmony in your Spirit.