As a young girl was always a teacher, a giver, a lover, and a friend. And she perfected her craft of giving after a serious health challenge at 50. This Woman, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a friend, is living her second lease on life with care being sure not to overwhelm herself, take care of her body, and focus completely on what’s important in her life. You have to hear this conversation with my friend Roxanne the year she faced down 60. Listen in to this chat with another F50Woman.

We Talk About…

·         How to teach others to love

·         The ABCs of Roxy

·         Secretes to longevity in marriage

·         Transformative in Motherhood and transformation after

·         Lessons from physical recovery

·         Mentors/Role Models

·         Running Away Wife

·         Retirement in Barbados

·         The Four Agreements

Quotes She Served Up:

“Be the thing you want others that you want others to be”

“You are the Rock. You Stay in it to Win It”

“Just do your best, no matter what”

Does Evil Spreads Faster than Love: “Because there are a lot of unhappy people… When people unhappy they attract other unhappy people.”

Recommended Book: “The Four Agreements” Miguel Ruiz

Movie Mentioned: “Oh What the Health” Netflix

One thing I must do every day: Pray/Meditate

Contact Information: Contact Roxanne through F50Woman at [email protected]

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