This week, Narkis Alon joins I AM Radio to share her experience and, now, expertise with pleasure and power. Narkis is a serial social entrepreneur, bestselling author and community builder. 

As an entrepreneur and someone who was never shy to pick up a microphone 🎤, she says she used to appear empowered and confident but in reality, she was seeking validation. At the time, she had yet to truly understand or embrace her body and sexuality. In our conversation, she explains her ah-ha moment and the challenging journey that followed. We packed this story into 30 minutes (Cliffs Notes, girl), but you can dive deeper (and we recommend that you do!) with her bestselling book “Present Woman” which explores the connection between our relationships with our bodies and leadership.

Today, Narkis speaks and leads workshops around the world 🌏on entrepreneurship, leadership and sexuality. She is also the co-founder of Double You, a global community for women leaders seeking support on their professional journey. But more than this, Narkis describes how Double You creates a culture of women who want to keep their wild, “animal” side alive while fostering their ambition and belonging to a supportive, connected sisterhood. Hell yes, to that description. Sign us up! 

This fun and introspective conversation takes us down unexpected paths as we discuss nomadic life, embracing discomfort for the sake of growth, all-girls schools, muting voices to find your own and forgetting to hit “unmute”, improvising, and dispelling the idea of being “too much!”

30-minutes with Narkis is cup-filling, and will have you saying aloud to yourself, “Damn, I feel seen.” I did. It might also have you checking her website for US workshop dates. ✋

Press play now and join us on the journey to unleash and embody. 🦁

Support and Follow Narkis: 

Narkis Alon’s Website

Double You

Read: Present Woman

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We are a women-centered media company rewriting the narrative on modern womanhood through story and collaboration.

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