Previous Episode: EZ News 2023/07/19
Next Episode: EZ News 07/21/23

Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News.

**Tai-Ex opening **
The Tai-Ex opened down 12-points this morning from yesterday's close, at
17,105 on turnover of $3.12 -billion N-T.

The Tai-Ex closed lower on Wednesday for a second consecutive session, as
investors continued to lock-in recent gains on the back of lingering
enthusiasm over artificial intelligence development.

Market watchers say sentiment remained cautious ahead of the release of
Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing's latest earnings report later today, as
investors are still anxious (
焦慮的) about inventory adjustments in the global semiconductor industry.

**Taipei Zoo's Malayan Tapir Dies **
The Taipei Zoo says it will be holding a memorial for Malayan tapir, "Moko,"
following the animal's death earlier this week.

According to the zoo, "Moko" died from undetermined causes after falling ill
and running a high temperature since the weekend.

The zoo said the animal was found lying next to a pool in its enclosure
(圍場) on Tuesday morning but was unable to stand.

A veterinarian then administered a blood test, provided a nutritional
supplement (營養補充品) and other medical treatment throughout the day, but
the tapir was found unresponsive (沒有反應) in the mid-afternoon.

The zoo says an autopsy will be performed today to determine its cause of

The seven-year-old Malayan tapir born in Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic and
was sent to the Taipei Zoo in 2018 as part of a cross-institute breeding

**NewZealand Gunman Kills Two at Construction Site Near **
A gunman has killed two people at a construction site in Auckland, New
Zealand, as the nation prepared to host (主辦;主持) games in the FIFA
Women’s World Cup tournament.

Authorities said the shooter was also dead and a police officer and four
civilians were injured.

The shooting took place near hotels where Team Norway and other soccer teams
have been staying.

New Zealand Prime Minster Chris Hipkins said the tournament would go ahead as

The opening match is scheduled for Thursday between New Zealand and Norway.

**Mother of US Soldier in NKorea Appeals for his Return **
The mother of an American soldier being held in North Korea has appealed for
her son to come home.

Claudine Gates told US network ABC News that she was "shocked" when Army
officials told her on Tuesday that her son had fled (逃跑).

Private Travis King crossed the border while on a tour of the Demilitarized
Zone between North and South Korea.

Pyongyang has not commented on the incident so far.

Sally Patterson reports from New York.

**Russian Belarus Athletes Allowed to Compete as Neutral Athletes **
Gymnasts from Russia and Belarus will be allowed to take part in sanctioned
(准許; 批准) competitions as “individual neutral athletes” from the start
of 2024.

The International Gymnastics Federation announced the move but said any
decision on the Paris Games will be left to (留給,交給) the International
Olympic Committee.

Russian and Belarus gymnasts had been banned since last year in response to
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Belarus' military support.

That was the I.C.R.T. news,

Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded
every day in the afternoon.

Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.

Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News.

**Tai-Ex opening **

The Tai-Ex opened down 12-points this morning from yesterday's close, at

17,105 on turnover of $3.12 -billion N-T.

The Tai-Ex closed lower on Wednesday for a second consecutive session, as

investors continued to lock-in recent gains on the back of lingering

enthusiasm over artificial intelligence development.

Market watchers say sentiment remained cautious ahead of the release of

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing's latest earnings report later today, as

investors are still anxious (

焦慮的) about inventory adjustments in the global semiconductor industry.

**Taipei Zoo's Malayan Tapir Dies **

The Taipei Zoo says it will be holding a memorial for Malayan tapir, "Moko,"

following the animal's death earlier this week.

According to the zoo, "Moko" died from undetermined causes after falling ill

and running a high temperature since the weekend.

The zoo said the animal was found lying next to a pool in its enclosure

(圍場) on Tuesday morning but was unable to stand.

A veterinarian then administered a blood test, provided a nutritional

supplement (營養補充品) and other medical treatment throughout the day, but

the tapir was found unresponsive (沒有反應) in the mid-afternoon.

The zoo says an autopsy will be performed today to determine its cause of


The seven-year-old Malayan tapir born in Prague Zoo in the Czech Republic and

was sent to the Taipei Zoo in 2018 as part of a cross-institute breeding


**NewZealand Gunman Kills Two at Construction Site Near **

A gunman has killed two people at a construction site in Auckland, New

Zealand, as the nation prepared to host (主辦;主持) games in the FIFA

Women’s World Cup tournament.

Authorities said the shooter was also dead and a police officer and four

civilians were injured.

The shooting took place near hotels where Team Norway and other soccer teams

have been staying.

New Zealand Prime Minster Chris Hipkins said the tournament would go ahead as


The opening match is scheduled for Thursday between New Zealand and Norway.

**Mother of US Soldier in NKorea Appeals for his Return **

The mother of an American soldier being held in North Korea has appealed for

her son to come home.

Claudine Gates told US network ABC News that she was "shocked" when Army

officials told her on Tuesday that her son had fled (逃跑).

Private Travis King crossed the border while on a tour of the Demilitarized

Zone between North and South Korea.

Pyongyang has not commented on the incident so far.

Sally Patterson reports from New York.

**Russian Belarus Athletes Allowed to Compete as Neutral Athletes **

Gymnasts from Russia and Belarus will be allowed to take part in sanctioned

(准許; 批准) competitions as “individual neutral athletes” from the start

of 2024.

The International Gymnastics Federation announced the move but said any

decision on the Paris Games will be left to (留給,交給) the International

Olympic Committee.

Russian and Belarus gymnasts had been banned since last year in response to

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and Belarus' military support.

That was the I.C.R.T. news,

Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded

every day in the afternoon.

Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.