Previous Episode: EZ News 05/16/24
Next Episode: EZ News 05/20/24

Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News.

Tai-Ex opening
The Tai-Ex opened up 42-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 21,346
on turnover of $6.6 -billion N-T.

NT$10 million worth of contraband cigarettes seized by Taiwan's coast guard
The Coast Guard Administration says patrols have seized a cache of contraband
cigarettes worth nearly $10-million NT.

Officials say the 164-thousand packs were found in a hidden compartment
(隔層) on a fishing vessel during an inspection Wednesday evening.

The compartment was detected after officers noted a machine placed in an
unusual position, and used a handheld x-ray machine and a detection dog to
uncover the stored contraband.

The 66-year-old captain and five Vietnamese crew members were referred to the
Keelung District Prosecutors Office for investigation.

Taiwan to serve as 1st guest of honor country at Festival Off Avignon
The Ministry of Culture says Taiwan will be the first-ever guest of honor
country at the renowned Festival Off Avignon.

The festival aims to promote contemporary performing arts, enhance awareness
of international emerging (發展初期的) dance and theater troupes, and
facilitate international co-productions and touring opportunities.

The Avignon Festival & Compagnies and the Taiwan Cultural Center in Paris
announced at a press conference held on Wednesday local time, that 1,316
teams will participate in the festival in Avignon between July 3rd and July

The co-president of the Avignon festival, said given Taiwan's long-standing
close collaboration with the festival and the nation's unique and diverse
contemporary art and culture, it was invited to be the guest of honor country
-- the first-ever in the festival's history.

And the Taiwan Cultural Center said that the selection of Taiwan symbolizes
the deep friendship between Taiwan and the Avignon festival.

NKorea Kim Sister Denies Weapons Exports to Russia
The influential sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has again denied
that her country has exported weapons to Russia.

Kim Yo Jong labeled outside speculation on North Korea-Russian arms dealings
as “the most absurd paradox.”

The U.S., South Korea and others have accused North Korea of supplying
artillery, missiles and other conventional (傳統的) weapons to Russia for its
war in Ukraine in return for advanced military technologies and economic aid.

Kim Yo Jong said in a statement today that North Korea had no intention of
exporting its military technical capabilities to any country or opening them
to the public.

Russia also has dismissed that accusation.

China Jails Professor for Espionage
The family of a Chinese national being held on espionage (間諜行為) charges
says he received a jail sentenced from a court in Jilin province.

Yuan Keqin was detained in 2019 when he returned to China while holding a
post at Japan’s University of Education in Hokkaido.

Chris Gilbert reports

UN Reports Improved Economic Prospects
The United Nations is reporting improved economic prospects since its January
forecast for the global economy.

According to its mid-2024 report, the world economy is now projected to grow
by 2.7% this year.

That's up from 2.4% the U.N. forecast in its somber (暗淡的) January report,
and 2.8% in 2025.

The report notes a better outlook in the United States and several large
emerging economies including Brazil, India and Russia.

That was the I.C.R.T. news,

Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded
every day in the afternoon.

Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.
----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888

Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News.

Tai-Ex opening

The Tai-Ex opened up 42-points this morning from yesterday's close, at 21,346

on turnover of $6.6 -billion N-T.

NT$10 million worth of contraband cigarettes seized by Taiwan's coast guard

The Coast Guard Administration says patrols have seized a cache of contraband

cigarettes worth nearly $10-million NT.

Officials say the 164-thousand packs were found in a hidden compartment

(隔層) on a fishing vessel during an inspection Wednesday evening.

The compartment was detected after officers noted a machine placed in an

unusual position, and used a handheld x-ray machine and a detection dog to

uncover the stored contraband.

The 66-year-old captain and five Vietnamese crew members were referred to the

Keelung District Prosecutors Office for investigation.

Taiwan to serve as 1st guest of honor country at Festival Off Avignon

The Ministry of Culture says Taiwan will be the first-ever guest of honor

country at the renowned Festival Off Avignon.

The festival aims to promote contemporary performing arts, enhance awareness

of international emerging (發展初期的) dance and theater troupes, and

facilitate international co-productions and touring opportunities.

The Avignon Festival & Compagnies and the Taiwan Cultural Center in Paris

announced at a press conference held on Wednesday local time, that 1,316

teams will participate in the festival in Avignon between July 3rd and July


The co-president of the Avignon festival, said given Taiwan's long-standing

close collaboration with the festival and the nation's unique and diverse

contemporary art and culture, it was invited to be the guest of honor country

-- the first-ever in the festival's history.

And the Taiwan Cultural Center said that the selection of Taiwan symbolizes

the deep friendship between Taiwan and the Avignon festival.

NKorea Kim Sister Denies Weapons Exports to Russia

The influential sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has again denied

that her country has exported weapons to Russia.

Kim Yo Jong labeled outside speculation on North Korea-Russian arms dealings

as “the most absurd paradox.”

The U.S., South Korea and others have accused North Korea of supplying

artillery, missiles and other conventional (傳統的) weapons to Russia for its

war in Ukraine in return for advanced military technologies and economic aid.

Kim Yo Jong said in a statement today that North Korea had no intention of

exporting its military technical capabilities to any country or opening them

to the public.

Russia also has dismissed that accusation.

China Jails Professor for Espionage

The family of a Chinese national being held on espionage (間諜行為) charges

says he received a jail sentenced from a court in Jilin province.

Yuan Keqin was detained in 2019 when he returned to China while holding a

post at Japan’s University of Education in Hokkaido.

Chris Gilbert reports

UN Reports Improved Economic Prospects

The United Nations is reporting improved economic prospects since its January

forecast for the global economy.

According to its mid-2024 report, the world economy is now projected to grow

by 2.7% this year.

That's up from 2.4% the U.N. forecast in its somber (暗淡的) January report,

and 2.8% in 2025.

The report notes a better outlook in the United States and several large

emerging economies including Brazil, India and Russia.

That was the I.C.R.T. news,

Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded

every day in the afternoon.

Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.

----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----






城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888