Previous Episode: EZ News 04/23/24
Next Episode: EZ News 04/25/24

Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News.

Tai-Ex opening
The Tai-Ex opened up 171-points this morning from yesterday's close, at
19,770 on turnover of 4.4-billion N-T.

The market staged a technical rebound on Tuesday following a recent slump as
buying was sparked by a rally on Wall Street overnight amid eased concerns
over Middle East tensions.

The main board opened higher and momentum continued throughout the session,
with large-cap electronics and artificial intelligence development related
stocks in focus.

Constitutional court Debates Abolition of Death Penalty
The Constitutional Court has been debating whether the current death penalty
system is constitutional.

The debate saw attorneys representing 37 prisoners currently on death row who
are challenging the constitutionality of capital punishment.

The 37 petitioners argue that "the presence and implementation (執行) of
capital punishment violate Article 15 of the Constitution of the Republic of
China," which stipulates that "the right of existence … shall be guaranteed
to the people."

The case was brought to the constitutional court in 2022.

A decision is expected within the coming three months at the earliest.

More Cabinet Appointments Announced
Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai has announced more new members of his Cabinet
that will take office on May 20.

Five of those appointed are keeping their posts and while there's one new

Finance Minister Zhuang Cui-yun, Overseas Community Affairs Council head Xu
Jia-qing, Ocean Affairs Council head Guan Bi-ling and Directorate-General of
Personnel Administration head Su Chun-rong will keep their current (目前的)

Acting Agriculture Minister Chen Jun-ji will formally head the agency in the
new Cabinet.

While the sole new face is Chen Shu-zi, the current head of Tainan City
Government's Research, Development and Evaluation Commission - and she has
been appointed to head the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and

UN Calls for Investigation After Mass Graves Discovered Near Gaza Hospitals
The United Nations is calling for “a clear, transparent and credible
investigation” of mass graves uncovered at two major hospitals in Gaza that
were raided by Israeli troops.

A U.N. spokesman said Tuesday that credible investigators must have access to
the sites.

The U.N. human rights chief also said he was “horrified” (驚駭) by the
destruction of the hospitals and the reported discovery of mass graves in and
around the facilities.

He also called for independent investigations.

The Israeli military said its forces exhumed bodies that Palestinians had
buried earlier as part of its search for the remains of hostages captured by

Japan Former PM Meets with Trump
Japan’s government is declining (拒絕) to comment on a meeting between
former Prime Minister Taro Aso and US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Chris Gilbert reports.

Aboriginal Spears Returned to Australia Indigenous
Four Aboriginal spears that were taken to England by Captain James Cook more
than 250 years ago have been returned to Australia's Indigenous community at
a ceremony in Cambridge University.

The artifacts were all that remain of some 40 spears that Cook and botanist
Joseph Banks took in April 1770, at the time of the first contact between
Cook’s crew and the Indigenous people of Kamay.

The return of the spears was agreed last year following a campaign and a
formal repatriation (歸國) request.

That was the I.C.R.T. news,

Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded
every day in the afternoon.

Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.
----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----
城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888

Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News.

Tai-Ex opening

The Tai-Ex opened up 171-points this morning from yesterday's close, at

19,770 on turnover of 4.4-billion N-T.

The market staged a technical rebound on Tuesday following a recent slump as

buying was sparked by a rally on Wall Street overnight amid eased concerns

over Middle East tensions.

The main board opened higher and momentum continued throughout the session,

with large-cap electronics and artificial intelligence development related

stocks in focus.

Constitutional court Debates Abolition of Death Penalty

The Constitutional Court has been debating whether the current death penalty

system is constitutional.

The debate saw attorneys representing 37 prisoners currently on death row who

are challenging the constitutionality of capital punishment.

The 37 petitioners argue that "the presence and implementation (執行) of

capital punishment violate Article 15 of the Constitution of the Republic of

China," which stipulates that "the right of existence … shall be guaranteed

to the people."

The case was brought to the constitutional court in 2022.

A decision is expected within the coming three months at the earliest.

More Cabinet Appointments Announced

Premier-designate Cho Jung-tai has announced more new members of his Cabinet

that will take office on May 20.

Five of those appointed are keeping their posts and while there's one new


Finance Minister Zhuang Cui-yun, Overseas Community Affairs Council head Xu

Jia-qing, Ocean Affairs Council head Guan Bi-ling and Directorate-General of

Personnel Administration head Su Chun-rong will keep their current (目前的)


Acting Agriculture Minister Chen Jun-ji will formally head the agency in the

new Cabinet.

While the sole new face is Chen Shu-zi, the current head of Tainan City

Government's Research, Development and Evaluation Commission - and she has

been appointed to head the Directorate General of Budget, Accounting and


UN Calls for Investigation After Mass Graves Discovered Near Gaza Hospitals

The United Nations is calling for “a clear, transparent and credible

investigation” of mass graves uncovered at two major hospitals in Gaza that

were raided by Israeli troops.

A U.N. spokesman said Tuesday that credible investigators must have access to

the sites.

The U.N. human rights chief also said he was “horrified” (驚駭) by the

destruction of the hospitals and the reported discovery of mass graves in and

around the facilities.

He also called for independent investigations.

The Israeli military said its forces exhumed bodies that Palestinians had

buried earlier as part of its search for the remains of hostages captured by


Japan Former PM Meets with Trump

Japan’s government is declining (拒絕) to comment on a meeting between

former Prime Minister Taro Aso and US presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Chris Gilbert reports.

Aboriginal Spears Returned to Australia Indigenous

Four Aboriginal spears that were taken to England by Captain James Cook more

than 250 years ago have been returned to Australia's Indigenous community at

a ceremony in Cambridge University.

The artifacts were all that remain of some 40 spears that Cook and botanist

Joseph Banks took in April 1770, at the time of the first contact between

Cook’s crew and the Indigenous people of Kamay.

The return of the spears was agreed last year following a campaign and a

formal repatriation (歸國) request.

That was the I.C.R.T. news,

Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded

every day in the afternoon.

Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.

----以下訊息由 SoundOn 動態廣告贊助商提供----






城揚建設 陽明第一廳 07-384-2888