Previous Episode: EZ News 2024/04/12
Next Episode: EZ News 04/16/24

Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News.

Tai-Ex opening
The Tai-Ex opened down 150-points this morning from Friday's close, at 20,586
on turnover of 8.7-billion N-T.

Big gains for tech stocks helped Wall Street claw back much of its slide from
the previous session overnight.

But the market still lost ground last Friday, as it followed other regional

MND to Establish New Combatant Command in 2026
The Ministry of National Defense is reportedly slated to a establish a new
combatant command in 2026.

Sources say the command will be tasked with (負責) defending Taiwan's
territorial waters extending 24-nautical miles from the shoreline.

According to reports, the command will be listed under the Naval Command

It will be headed by a vice admiral and bring together existing fast attack
boat and anti-ship missile groups.

It could be officially launched as early as 2026.

Earthquakes of Magnitude of Between 3 and 4 Could hit Chiayi Over Coming
The Central Weather Administration says more earthquakes of between
magnitudes 3 and 4 could hit Chiayi over the coming couple of weeks.

The warning comes after over 10 earthquakes have rattled the county since
last Friday.

According to the administration, the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that struck off
eastern Taiwan on April 3 resulted in stress adjustments in the underground
fault zones in Chiayi …

…. and that has triggered blind faults and unknown faults in western Taiwan
to release energy.

This is causing frequent temblors (搖晃) in the Chiayi area.

Guterres Calls fro Calm in Middle East
Diplomats in the UN Security Council called for restraint (克制) following
Iran's drone attack on Israel on Saturday.

The council met for an emergency meeting on Sunday.

Members fear a full-blown (全面爆發) spillover (出效應) of the conflict in
the region.

Jody Jacobs reports from New York…


10 Killed by Gunmen in Nigeria
About 10 people have been killed by gunmen in Nigeria's north central state
of Plateau.

The gunmen invaded (入侵) villages in the Bokkos area of the state at night.

Tesem Akende reports.

Right Whale entanglement
This has been a bad year for North Atlantic right whales which have been
listed as endangered since 1970.

And while just 360 whales remain, their numbers keep dropping (下落, 下降).

Julie Walker reports on attempts to monitor one of them.

That was the I.C.R.T. news,

Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded
every day in the afternoon.

Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.

Good afternoon, I'm _____ with today's episode of EZ News.

Tai-Ex opening

The Tai-Ex opened down 150-points this morning from Friday's close, at 20,586

on turnover of 8.7-billion N-T.

Big gains for tech stocks helped Wall Street claw back much of its slide from

the previous session overnight.

But the market still lost ground last Friday, as it followed other regional


MND to Establish New Combatant Command in 2026

The Ministry of National Defense is reportedly slated to a establish a new

combatant command in 2026.

Sources say the command will be tasked with (負責) defending Taiwan's

territorial waters extending 24-nautical miles from the shoreline.

According to reports, the command will be listed under the Naval Command


It will be headed by a vice admiral and bring together existing fast attack

boat and anti-ship missile groups.

It could be officially launched as early as 2026.

Earthquakes of Magnitude of Between 3 and 4 Could hit Chiayi Over Coming



The Central Weather Administration says more earthquakes of between

magnitudes 3 and 4 could hit Chiayi over the coming couple of weeks.

The warning comes after over 10 earthquakes have rattled the county since

last Friday.

According to the administration, the magnitude 7.2 earthquake that struck off

eastern Taiwan on April 3 resulted in stress adjustments in the underground

fault zones in Chiayi …

…. and that has triggered blind faults and unknown faults in western Taiwan

to release energy.

This is causing frequent temblors (搖晃) in the Chiayi area.

Guterres Calls fro Calm in Middle East

Diplomats in the UN Security Council called for restraint (克制) following

Iran's drone attack on Israel on Saturday.

The council met for an emergency meeting on Sunday.

Members fear a full-blown (全面爆發) spillover (出效應) of the conflict in

the region.

Jody Jacobs reports from New York…





10 Killed by Gunmen in Nigeria

About 10 people have been killed by gunmen in Nigeria's north central state

of Plateau.

The gunmen invaded (入侵) villages in the Bokkos area of the state at night.

Tesem Akende reports.

Right Whale entanglement

This has been a bad year for North Atlantic right whales which have been

listed as endangered since 1970.

And while just 360 whales remain, their numbers keep dropping (下落, 下降).

Julie Walker reports on attempts to monitor one of them.

That was the I.C.R.T. news,

Check in again tomorrow for our simplified version of the news, uploaded

every day in the afternoon.

Enjoy the rest of your day, I'm _____.