Glenwood South vs. Downtown Raleigh, a proposed tuition hike, a look at the N&O’s annual Great Eight Showcase and a live interview with actors from the Burning Coal Theatre are all part of this week’s segments on EOT.

News anchor Evan Garris gave listeners the top headlines for the week. For more on some of these stories, check out the links below.
Red, Hot & Blue on Hillsborough Street closes, again

Congressman Murtha dies
Burj Khalifa, world’s tallest tower, closes a month after opening
Iran’s nuclear plans start new calls for sanctions

Super Bowl 2010 Ratings: 106 million watch, top-rated telecast ever

Correspondents Tyler Everett and Derek Medlin gave us an analysis about the past week and week ahead:

This week’s topic was the North Carolina General Assembly’s proposed $200 tuition hike per student. The UNC Board of Governors will meet about it this Friday, Feb. 12. While some students have banded together against this hike, Evan’s view was different. Here is an excerpt from his editorial:

“Still reeling from the credit crisis, statewide unemployment is around 11 percent; local school boards are attempting to accommodate more students with fewer resources; and our infrastructure is in desperate need of an overhaul. No one likes paying the government – no one – but it’s a necessary evil …$200 may sound like a lot, but when factored into the thousands each of us doles out to our respective universities annually, it’s a small amount to pay. Here’s a situation that presents us with a rare opportunity – unlike humanitarian crises and social inequalities, sitting back and throwing money at this problem will make it go away.”

[DISCLAIMER: Evan’s opinions do not reflect those of WKNC 88.1, Student Media or NCSU.]

Is Evan’s opinion right on, completely ridiculous or just needs some tweaks? Let us know.

Raleigh’s planning department expects that the results of this year’s national census will push the city’s population past the 400,000 mark, more than doubling the city’s population in 1980. As the city grows, the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization projects some of its neighborhoods, particularly downtown Raleigh, will experience huge growth. The organization expects the downtown area, which now has a population of about 22,000, to reach 40,000 residents by 2035. Additionally, the development of Glenwood South brought mixed-use condominiums to the area, boosting its population. But what do the “new images” of these areas do to independently drive in enough traffic to each area, despite being only blocks apart? Local business owners discuss their ideas.

At the same time, these two neighborhoods have been working on re-inventing their images. Sara Coleman, owner of Glenwood South’s The Cupcake Shoppe, says when she moved in to her location in 2006, Glenwood South was only Glenwood Avenue, a strip of road composed mainly of office space, warehouses and a few staples like 518 West. In the three years since she’s opened her shop, she says the area has come in to its own identity – a kind of “neighborhood-y” feel that brings people from all parts of Raleigh out on Fridays and Saturdays.

The owners of the Busy Bee Cafe, Chris Powers and David “Woody” Lockwood, worked on Glenwood Avenue before opening up their downtown location this past spring. They said they chose their 105-year old Wilmington Street building to help revitalize downtown Raleigh to its roaring 20’s heyday. Since much of the area has been developed by restaurant group Empire Eats (Raleigh Times, Sitti, Gravy, etc), Chris and Woody said the area has the same beer-loving, laid-back energy they hope to obtain with their restaurant/bar.

As someone who was one of the first to open bars on Glenwood South and in Downtown Raleigh, Van Alston (of Havana Deluxe,