This is an Eye on the Triangle special edition:

Our show is all about election day, this Tuesday, March 15th.

Honestly, we don’t care how you vote, just that you vote.

So, let’s break down that ballot and look at what exactly we’ll see when we step into the election booth.

We look at two of the candidates for president, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, and how their policies would affect NC State students.

Unfortunately, none of the Republican campaigns–not Kasich, Trump, Rubio nor Cruz–responded to repeated requests for interviews.

But, if you want to know just what exactly former Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary Clinton would do in the situation room, listen!

We’ll also take a look at the two billion dollar bond, the ConnectNC bond, that’s on the ballot, and what exactly that would mean for NC State if it was passed, as well as what kind of ID works for students at the voting booth.

Polls open at 6:30 a.m. and close at 7:30 p.m.