Today I'm speaking with Lisa Campbell, an extraordinary mom to a three year old little girl named Harlow. When her daughter was born, Lisa new right away that something wasn't right but they didn't know what it was. After months of testing, they determined she had CHARGE Syndrome. Today, Lisa is going to share what CHARGE Syndrome is, what it was like waiting for her diagnosis and then adapting to their new normal once they realized the road they were on. She also had her own health issues during that same time. It has not been an easy journey, but you are going to be so inspired by Lisa's positivity and perseverance. She's truly an extraordinary mom!

Show Notes: 
CHARGE Syndrome website
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Today I’m speaking with Lisa Campbell, an extraordinary mom to a three year old little girl named Harlow. When her daughter was born, Lisa new right away that something wasn’t right but they didn’t know what it was. After months of testing, they determined she had CHARGE Syndrome. Today, Lisa is going to share what CHARGE Syndrome is, what it was like waiting for her diagnosis and then adapting to their new normal once they realized the road they were on. She also had her own health issues during that same time. It has not been an easy journey, but you are going to be so inspired by Lisa’s positivity and perseverance. She’s truly an extraordinary mom!

Show Notes: 

CHARGE Syndrome website

Connect with Lisa on Facebook

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