Unlock the mystery of math fact fluency with the enlightening guidance of Laurie Penney, a Math Content and Pedagogy Specialist from Curriculum Associates. In our latest conversation, Laurie sheds light on the vital components of math fluency—accuracy, efficiency, and flexibility—and how these elements intersect to build a robust foundation for learners. She offers a fresh perspective on memorization, drawing parallels to the ease of learning the lyrics to a beloved song, a natural and stress-free process. Our discussion also veers away from the anxiety-ridden timed tests, steering towards innovative strategies that encourage a more positive and engaging way to grasp critical math facts.

As we bring this episode to a close, we extend a warm invitation to our fellow educators to join the conversation beyond the podcast. Connect with us on Twitter and Instagram, or reach out via email to share your thoughts, suggest discussion themes, or express your interest in contributing as a guest. By subscribing and leaving a review, you help support our community and continue the mission of empowering passionate educators. So, let's keep the dialogue going, and stay tuned for future episodes that promise to shine a spotlight on the incredible journey of teaching and leadership.

Read Laurie's Blog: CurriculumAssociates.com/blog/make-math-fun
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Follow us on Instagram: @MyiReady
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