Ever feel like you're stuck in a cycle of stagnation when it comes to teaching? Join us as we share an insightful conversation with Gary Miller, an Associate Vice President of Content and Implementation, known for his garden-variety ideas and captivating storytelling. Gary blows our minds with his unique perspectives on problems in education today, including stagnation, location, and dilation. Buckle up as we discuss the stagnation in education, ponder upon the profound impact of a student's location on their academic journey, and delve into the deepening academic gaps.

We unpack Gary's thought-provoking theories, like how the repeated changes and initiatives in our educational system over the years haven't necessarily translated into improved student performance. Imagine that – decades worth of changes, yet progress remains a distant mirage! Gary also pulls back the curtain about how a student's zip code plays a monumental role in their educational trajectory. Wait, there's more! We explore the widening academic gaps post-pandemic and why we need to act pronto to address them. If you're eager to challenge the status quo and pioneer changes for a brighter educational future, this episode is your treasure trove. Listen in and get ready to be inspired!

Read Gary's Blog: CurriculumAssociates.com/blog/catalyst-for-classroom-engagement
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