There are many times it’s essential to make a strong first impression, like when you’re networking to get a new job.

In this episode, you'll learn how to make a strong first impression on someone you meet. You'll also hear a story about when I needed to make a strong first impression on someone and how I prepared for that meeting. Finally, you'll get definitions for new idioms at the end of the episode.

You’ve probably already heard that people form an impression of who you are in just a matter of seconds. Humans use verbal and nonverbal communication cues to judge whether a person is confident, intelligent, trustworthy, approachable, good-humored, serious, and more. We also perceive when others share our values and social status by observing their clothing, accessories, punctuality, mannerisms, and how they speak. All of this happens pretty much immediately as we meet someone. So, when we want to make a strong first impression on someone, it can feel daunting to get it right the first time, especially for introverts or people speaking a second language.

We all know that first impressions can be misleading, and studies consistently reveal people’s hidden biases and stereotypes about race, gender, and more, which influence perceptions. So, you will benefit from the opportunity to have many encounters with someone. There are several things you can do to ensure you make a strong first impression, which will open the door to opportunities to make a second, third, and fourth impression. Your verbal and nonverbal communication will ensure you’re making a strong impression.

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