American interviewers want to hear precise, simple, and clear answers. They don’t want to hear rambling or layered communication. Australians, Canadians, and Germans appreciate this communication style too.

On the other hand, Japanese, Korean, and Chinese interviewers are more likely to appreciate sophisticated, nuanced, and layered communication styles. 

In this episode, we dive into communication styles by nationality, and you’ll learn how to prepare for an interview with a hiring manager who expects concise answers.

If you’re accustomed to talking at length and rambling, modifying your communication style will take some effort. But, it’s possible if you follow the seven tips outlined in the episode. 

In this episode, you’ll also hear an example of a concise answer to the interview question, what would you do if you knew your boss was wrong about something? 

Read the transcript

Theme music by Lucas Knutter. 

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