In this week’s episode of the Exposure Ninja Digital Marketing Podcast, Tim is joined by our resident sales powerhouse, Wayne Dharana, on location in Luton (I know, fancy!)

In this podcast, Tim and Wayne show you how to take your business from 0 to 20K of sales — as such, this episode is ideal for absolute beginners who’re starting from scratch with their businesses.

For many businesses or solopreneurs, getting to that first 20K of sales is often the most challenging period of their business life because until you have sales coming in you don’t have the marketing budget to spend on actually doing marketing (which is super important), which means you don’t get sales — it’s a tricky loop to be stuck in or as Tim likes to call it, the DEATH LOOP OF HATE… 🤨

The goal of this episode is to guide you to a place where you’re able to generate some sales and you’ve got that feedback loop working for you instead of against you!

You'll definitely need your notebooks for this one — buckle up folks ‘cus this episode is killer!!

For show notes and to get a free review of your website and digital marketing, complete with a tailored plan to increase your leads and sales online, head to