SEO royalty, Steve Toth talks to us about strategy, ranking signals and the future of SEO. 

Steve is the former SEO manager and now contractor for the popular invoicing and accounting software, FreshBooks. He also runs his own consultancy focusing on B2B SEO –– a category he believes is the only certain future of search. 

In this episode, Steve reveals the strategy he used to help FreshBooks win in an extremely competitive market. 

The same strategy led FreshBooks to rank #1 for the keyword "invoicing template" which has an incredible monthly search volume of 300,000. This phrase was the brainchild behind FreshBooks’ wildly successful knowledge base –– a collection of 110 blogs that stem from this main page. 

Want to find out why Steve chose the phrases he targeted? How he prioritises which pages to give the most attention? When he revisits popular pages for optimisations and tweaks? All of the answers are discussed in this podcast. 

Everything from mobile versus desktop, the use of heatmaps, split testing, customer data and ranking signals are mentioned in this video, giving you an insight into one of the most thought out campaigns on the internet. 

Want to know more about Steve? Follow Steve on LinkedIn and Twitter or check out

For more information and show notes, head to:

00:00 –– Podcast Synopsis

02:18 –– Using blogs to rank

05:05 –– FreshBooks' SEO strategy 

08:45 –– Surveying customers in keyword research 

10:00 –– Creating a knowledge base 

13:12 –– Main page optimisation and revisions 

17:44 –– How important is searcher intent? 

22:31 –– What are the top ranking signals? 

24:30 –– What's the future for Google? 

32:41 –– Find out more about Steve

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