In this week’s episode of the Exposure Ninja Digital Marketing Podcast, Tim is flying solo in order to show you an awesome new 3-step sales funnel we've been working on that's proving to be CRAZY successful—and the best part is, it's probably the simplest digital marketing funnel you can implement!

To get the most out of this episode, we highly recommend that you watch the video version over on YouTube as Tim uses his favourite magic whiteboard to breakdown some of the key details of this killer marketing funnel.

What can you expect to learn from this podcast episode?

Whilst this sales funnel has been designed for the dental industry, it doesn't actually matter what market or niche you want to implement this type of funnel in as it's based on really simple, fundamental principles.

Here's a short rundown of the episode:

Explanation of the funnel Context: How and why we made the decisions we did to make the funnel work Breakdown: Key principles you need to successfully apply this sales funnel to your business


For show notes and to get a free review of your website and digital marketing, complete with a tailored plan to increase your leads and sales online, head to